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"N" router suggestions


iPF Noob
Jun 30, 2010
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I'm having drop problems with my old netgear wgt624 "g" router but not with my son's old USR maxg router. Can someone suggest a mid priced(<$100) hopefully trouble free "N" router? I have the 64g wifi-3g Ipad.

thx for any help

I use the Net Gear WNDR3300. To be honest, most people are going to say their router is the best, if it works, because if it works, they probably have not used many other routers (in their homes).

If you need it right away you can get it from Best Buy for $100 (factory refurb for 80 bucks):

wndr3300 - BestBuy

It's pretty basic, but if you just need a router that works, this will do fine.
You issues are due to the fact that the wgt624 is a dual band router. The iPads are currently having issues with dualband routers, the next OS update will fix this however the next update wont be for a few months.

You are OK getting any wireless N router that is not dual band.
I just setup these routers for a friend and they worked fine with my iPad.

Cisco Linksys - E1000 Wireless-N Router - E1000
CradlePoint MBR1000
Netgear WNR834b v2
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The WNDR3300 is a dual band router, and I have zero issues.
The WNDR3300 is a dual band router, and I have zero issues.

Is really case by case if it works OK or not.

Apple has said that there are issues with dual band routers. I dont have any dual band routers to test it out with.

the issue is known to occur with some third-party dual-band WiFI routers, and tends to happen if you're the same name for each network or different security settings for each network. To ensure your iPad automatically rejoins WiFi networks, Apple suggests (you guessed it) giving the networks different names, and making sure that they're using the same security settings. Of course, that doesn't explain why other devices are able to work just fine with said routers, but this looks to be the most we'll get out of Apple for the time being.
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I have a D-Link DIR615. BestBuy had them on sale by mail order only a couple of months ago for $20! Its a $20 "N" router and works about as well as a $20 "N" router would be expected to work.
I just picked up the Apple Airport Extreme and works great. Stronger signal, broader range and fast streaming for music and video. Plus, I was able to use Bonjour Printer Services for Windows and plugged in my USB printer to have printing capabilities over WiFi network. I may add on an external hard drive on the network too. No issues.
My Apple airport extreme works fine with my ipad and all my other devices, it's dual band N

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