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My Network Places?


iPF Noob
Jul 16, 2011
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Is there any app that allows the ipad to have 'shared folders' so to speak, so that in windows under My Network Places the ipads folders would be seen and dragging and dropping of files from pc to ipad over wifi can be done?

I just installed and activated the PcNetworking app. It is great.

I must reiterate the warning from the app and the thread that Mickey330 linked to:

You can Brick the Ipad by messing with the file system. If you want to look around and have no intentions of changing anything, set read only to "on." I was curious, so I copied some configuration files to my desktop, before looking at them with an editor on the pc. I recommend this to others.

After you install the app, the configuration will be in the Extensions section of settings. Change the device name if you want. Put in a password. I recommend a hard to guess one. I also recommend turning networking off when you are not on your home (hopefully secured) wifi. I checked, and when you restart the ipad, the on/off setting is in the same state that you left it when it was on.

I also learned about Power saving. I was able to browse the file system for a few minutes after my Ipad locked and went black, then it became inaccessible until I unlocked it. It looks like there is a delay (I will test the exact delay and report it here) before the Ipad goes into power saving mode which kills the wifi.

Have fun and be careful.
Hmm... well i installed it, all seemed to go to plan, i hit restart springboard and now its doing that spinning circle line thing and won't boot up, long press on the on/off button aint turning it off. Any ideas?
I had to hold the on/off button and home button for about 60secs till it switched off. All good, back up and running, will take the advice above ^^
Good points, dragon499, thanks.

And yeah, I always keep the sharing button turned off (there's a toggle you can use in/SBSettings) until/unless I am actively using PC Networking. And, I've been using it for a long time - that button does stay where you toggle it (on/off) through restarts, resets and repsrings. Just so's you know.

Glad to see it's what you can use, Bruce.

So its doing exactly what i want (can see ipad folders in My Network Places), but where should i drag and drop music albums for the stock Music player to find/see them? Initially i dragged albums and dumped them into 'Storage' on My Network Places but the stock Music player didn't find/see them.
So its doing exactly what i want (can see ipad folders in My Network Places), but where should i drag and drop music albums for the stock Music player to find/see them? Initially i dragged albums and dumped them into 'Storage' on My Network Places but the stock Music player didn't find/see them.

Ah, but therein lies the rub. No tweak I have found will let you you drag music into the stock Music player for it to see and play them. Apple/iTunes/the Music app does something funky when music is added to the iPad. It's not a straight copy, sorry.

The best thing you can do is find another app that's not the stock one (from the App Store) and then drag music into its files (I think - I've never tried this). Be a lot more effective.

Sneaky people, those Apple programmers...

ah okdokey, will have a look around for a different music player (I didn't know any existed! I thought it was the stock and that's all, unlike android players which give you options of many). The other files i'm interested in dragging over are comic files (.cbr/cbz files), I hope placing them in 'Storage' will work for ereader apps like Stanza to 'find' them :S
pwntunes is a good solution for folks that want to be able to break free of managing their music folders using iTunes and do it themselves. It allows you to drag and drop music onto the device and for it to then be recognised. Search for it in Cydia.

Hope the helps.
Hmm... i'm not having much luck finding a suitable alternative. There MUST be a way to drag and drop music onto the player without using itunes and getting the stock player to 'do it's thing'.
f4780y said:
pwntunes is a good solution for folks that want to be able to break free of managing their music folders using iTunes and do it themselves. It allows you to drag and drop music onto the device and for it to then be recognised. Search for it in Cydia.

Hope the helps.

Thanks for this suggestion, its 50% off at the mo (can't see how it's $15, but hey ho) just purchased it, not sure how it works at the mo tho as there's no icon...

Edit: installed fine on my iPhone but can't get it to work on my iPad :(
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