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My iPad is dying...

lol, I start getting the sweats when it hits 50%!

I think the lowest it has hit was 43%, and then it was bed time anyway. Does this thing EVER run out of juice?
I was suprised how good the battery is on these things..I was worried when I frist got it!! AWESOME
Well, get up!:)

I just grabbed it back at 93% ~ couldn't wait:D. Leaving for the fair soon so it can charge while we are separated!
29% means it still has about 3.5 hours left...no need to rush to the charger.
I think it really depends on what you are doing on it. If you are reading books or the newspaper it seems to last forever. If you are watching videos or playing games, the charge seems to run down faster. If you do a variety of things it just keeps going and going and going...

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