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Multi User


iPF Noob
Feb 3, 2012
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Hi, is it possible for two people to have individual logins on the iPad, so that they can both access their own Apps. Etc.
Unfortunately, no. There was something for jail broken iPads (called iUser), but it's not been updated for iOS 5.0 and does not work well. There was never anything for stock iPads.

Sorry. Apple designed the iPad as a single user device and so we have to adjust where we can.

Ok, thanks for that. I got this because. I couldn't get on the Laptop, now everyone wants to get on this!
I hear ya, my kids are all over my iPad. In our house it may as well be called the WE pad :)

Maybe that's my excuse to get an iPad 3. Hehehehehe
LOL. My iPad is defo a single user (ME) iPad... Err, I wish... as soon as I put it down the wife and kids are all over it.
The inability to create any sort of "space" for my seven year old on the iPad was the biggest disappointment I encountered with the iPad. The best I could do was to place her apps and other content on a single page. But the iPad doesn't even allow an icon to appear on more than one screen. So whatever she had on her screen couldn't be placed anywhere else.

Ironically, despite the complaints about the Kindle Fire's lack of "parental controls," I found an app in the Amazon App Store that enables me to set aside an individual launcher for my daughter's apps that is fully password protected. Unlike the iPad I can let her use the KF unsupervised without worrying that she'll accidentally modify the settings or purchase a refrigerator.

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