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More reasonable price alternative to Things "to do" app?


iPF Noob
Mar 1, 2010
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I need a good "to do" list organization app. The Things app seems like it would be perfect for what I need, but they want $19.99! What a joke. I just can't bring myself to pay this much for a to-do list app no matter how pretty or robust it is.
Can anybody recommend a good alternative? I'd like to be able to check off items as I complete them and I'd like it to sync to my Mac. It would be nice if it had a nice layout and good system for organizing lists. I've found a couple on the App Store, but most reviews say they have major shortcomings or they crash.
I am trying out Remember The Milk. It syncs with the blackberry app I have and keeps my iPad, BB and outlook updated. It is $25/yr for all the apps. You can also access the web stile as well. There is a free trial.
I can't find much information on Remember the Milk. I'll look into it.
I have found a lot of great reviews about Evernote, but the pricing confuses me. Their site says $5/month or $45/year. How is this a subscription service? Is this just if I want to sync using their cloud? I don't want to stray too much from my original post though. Is anybody using Evernote and not paying the subcription fee? How do you feel it stacks up as a note/productivity app? As good or better than Things?
I'm using Evernote on my iPad and my Mac and not paying a fee. I'm not using it extensively but I like it..I will check later to see how much I can store and get back later. I like it on both machines. I keep it running all the time on my Mac.
I can't find much information on Remember the Milk. I'll look into it.
I have found a lot of great reviews about Evernote, but the pricing confuses me. Their site says $5/month or $45/year. How is this a subscription service? Is this just if I want to sync using their cloud? I don't want to stray too much from my original post though. Is anybody using Evernote and not paying the subcription fee? How do you feel it stacks up as a note/productivity app? As good or better than Things?

I checked Evernote. I can upload 40 mb each month. Not a lot of data.
I downloaded Taska yesterday and it was only $4.99, pretty reasonable and it allows you to filter tasks, and check them off as you complete them. I don't know how well it syncs with your Mac, but I'm sure there's an application that works with it. Apparently the Todoodle accounts will sync with it as well, if you have that. I was looking for one that would sync with Outlook but I didn't have much luck in finding one on the cheap side.

Things just looked ugly. Hope that helps :)
TheBaron said:
I need a good "to do" list organization app. The Things app seems like it would be perfect for what I need, but they want $19.99! What a joke. I just can't bring myself to pay this much for a to-do list app no matter how pretty or robust it is.
Can anybody recommend a good alternative? I'd like to be able to check off items as I complete them and I'd like it to sync to my Mac. It would be nice if it had a nice layout and good system for organizing lists. I've found a couple on the App Store, but most reviews say they have major shortcomings or they crash.

Pocket Informant is the best I have found full of features syncs with google then back to Mac updates tasks calender etc. You do need a sync app on the Mac to sync with google small cost and worth it. One shakes the iPod touch to sync or set up auto sync. I believe ipad version will be out shortly according to an email I received last week Hope this helps.

If you need extra info just ask. Ps it does not crash.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey, thanks for all the input, guys! I will definitely look into Taska and Pocket Informant.
I downloaded Evernote and found that it was good, but still lacks what I need. I guess the problem is that I'm going in with a set idea of what I want and it probably doesn't exist.
I'm hoping to find a full featured organization app that allows sortable and searchable rich text notes and to-do lists. Also, maybe even have a nice clean way to store and organize other info (like contacts, price comparisons, etc). Maybe what I really need is to just find a couple different apps that do these things instead of expecting to find it all in one organization app. I will definitely check out all the apps suggested though. Thanks again.

I've had the same problem. I need something that works the way I work. The closest I found was Evernote. It is free with limited data sync per month. But that is mainly critical if you are going to attach a lot of files. Once I found I could make it work for me, I upgraded to Premium and have taken advantage of the extra bandwidth to keep track of all of my documentation for work, including charts, meeting minutes, etc.

Some of the other advantages:

1. works on multiple platforms (I use Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad in various stages of my work/life) without having to repay for each platform.
2. able to support a variety of media and documents within the notes.
3. easy access to clipping from web.
4. flexible categorizing between notebooks and categories, with smart search.

One of the things that really sold me was this Blog post:

Ask the CEO Evernote Blogcast

Which answered a lot of the concerns that I had about Evernote, and gave me some confidence that some of the features I wanted were coming. Something that Things, To Do and other GTD apps seem resistant to be open about.

But in the end, I think everyone will be different. I even toyed around with writing my own GTD app for the iPad/iPhone, before finding that Evernote was close enough to make me feel like I could not improve that much on it with my own efforts. It was a vanishingly small difference between meeting my needs exactly or closely.
Thanks again for the input. I think I'll continue to play around with Evernote and see if I can't get it to do what I need. A couple things that really bother me is that it doesn't have a to-do list checkbox option. I'd love to be able to make lists and check them off as I complete them. Also, I wish the notes were rich text capable. I made a test list in a note in evernote and found there was no way to bold or italicize text. Once you get a really long note going, this plaintext just becomes an eye sore.
Yes, I realize it would be more productive to make these suggestions over in the Evernote forum :)
Remember the milk

Tried the service from Remember the milk. It seems to be very good. It does take some time to set it the first time but once done, everything is available on multiple devices. All my data ws available now on android and iPad both.

It's nice and is cheaper than evernote. I feel 25/year is worth the money.
I experimented with RTM service a bit. It has an android app to so it was good. As much as I was pleased wight eh service initially, I found the interface to enter tasks or manage them a little painful. I then migrated to Appigo ToDo for iPad. The interface is refreshing and simple which is important for me since I will be spending a lot of time with it, but before I was committing myself to the paid version of their account with paid syncing service 19.99/yr, I read the user reviews which said their recent update wipped off their data and the support is not able to restore it for them. So... Well case closed.

Now I am unto evaluating PocketInformant HD and so far it appears Vry good. It also integrates calendar now this almost makes my interface similar to my outlook calendar. This may be the app I might stay with. I am currently experimenting the sync using toodledo since I don't want to install any sync apps at the moment on my pc.

So, so far in my journey to find the best app to help me handle my tasks,todo,calendar, this is the one I am getting sold on I guess.
You may want to look at SmartPad too, I have both PI and SP but my personal preference is for SP, I like the layout and the ability to add notes to each day in the calendar.

You can get more details at leftcoastlogic.com

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