Hey guys and girls! So went to the apple shop this weekend and explained my problem I'm having with the tingling sensation. We plugged it in and sure enough it was still there. The lady at the shop could not feel it and said the same as apple support that it was known about and some people are more sensitive to its then others. I was still not convinced so we tried a different charger...it went away! So she put it down to a faulty charger and couldn't say much else about it, she replaced my charger and cable at no cost and I went on my way. So I have it plugged in at home as I type this in the same socket as before and the problem is no longer there. Hopefully we have solved it
so to any other ipad users out there who are having the same problem my advice is try changing the charger to your ipad, the cable didn't seem to be the problem ( but was exchanged anyway) hope this helps!
