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Losing my emails?


iPF Noob
Every two days or so, when I update my emails, my older ones are automatically deleted and I cannot find them anywhere?
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Have a look in Settings - Mail, Contacts, Calendars - your account - advanced tab - Delete from Server and set this to Never. You can set the deleted emails here to delete after a certain time period too.

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Or if you've got an Exchange type account Change the Mail Days to Sync (also in your account's settings). It defaults to three.

Hah! :rolleyes: I just figured out why a GMail email visible on my computer and iPhone wasn't showing up on my iPad. I needed to follow my own advice. For some reason I had set it to sync only one day. Must have been testing and forgot to change it back.
A couple of days later and I have just lost all my emails again. I set the advanced settings to never delete? Is there a document I can view to see what all my email settings should be and then troubleshoot as I go on? Not cool losing important business emails of which I need to keep resending from Blackberry.
What type of account do you have? If it is an Exchange account you need to change the days to sync setting.


This overrides the Show setting in Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

To the best of my knowledge the Remove option under the Advanced settings (not available in Exchange accounts) only affects the Trash (Deleted) folder.

Without knowing more about your account type (POP3, Exchange, IMAP) I can't make any more guesses about what is going on. Even then I think all the usual culprits have been mentioned.
It is a POP3 type, my settings don't have the options you posted on the screen dump. When I go into my Mail, Contacts and Calendar, I only have the following options available > Account, Mail, Notes and Delete Account. Also, when my mails are deleted they disappear totally from my inbox and sent folder and don't even appear in Trash. Thanks for the support so far!
Ok, POP3 is the account type I'm least familiar with; so bear with me.

When you are looking at your account settings, there is probably an arrow to the right of the email address in the Account field. This will take you into more settings; including the Advanced settings mentioned earlier. You won't find the days to sync option. That is exclusive to Exchange accounts.

The nature of a POP account is to download emails onto the local machine, and deal with them there. For that reason there should be an option to delete emails from the server on download, or leave them on the server. This would affect whether other email clients would see a new email. It should not cause emails to disappear from the iPad; however, if you use another email client (on a computer or other mobile device) try changing it's settings to leave the emails on the server, and see if that helps.

At least one client needs to delete emails from the server, or if you have web mail access that would work. POP servers usually have a limited amount of space to store email, so it has to be cleared out eventually. If a poorly configured POP3 server were to get too full it 'might' delete email in a randomish fashion, instead of starting with the oldest emails first. As I said, I just don't' know enough about this type of server.

You're provier may offer more than one type of email server. If it does and you are mixing IMAP, Exchange, and POP clients, things could get unpredictable. So check through all your devices and computers for inconsistencies.

That mishmash of advice is about all I can offer. Hopefully someone who is more familiar with POP3 can offer something more helpful.

And I never asked how much email you are keeping in your Inbox. Keep in mind that there is a setting (Show) that limits the number of emails that will show in your Inbox. You'll find it lower down on the Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars page. When you are using IMAP, you can always choose Load More at the bottom of the mail list if you go over the Show limit. I don't know what POP does.
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Thank you! I have this particular email address open on my iPad, Blackberry (BES) as well as my PC, could also be something there? Let me give it a go, once again, thank you.
I set up my iPad email nearly two years ago, so I don't remember step by step setup, or I'd tell you what I did. But FYI so that you know what's possible:

I use POP3 across four devices -- laptop, phone, two iPads -- and have mail set up via pop3.live.com. I have my email set to never delete from the server and have gone months without checking email on my laptop (after deleting from the other three devices) and have no prob accessing or losing emails. I use the laptop to sort and file hundreds, if not thousands, of emails. I keep only about two dozen on the other three devices. All are set to never delete from the server.

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