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Looking for suggestions for a simple but functional project/task tracking app


iPF Noob
Apr 7, 2012
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Hello! I'm a bit overwhelmed by my research and can't find anything that fits what I need to do, though I know it's out there. I've found things that look somewhat promising but I'm hoping to narrow my scope so I can avoid trying, and potentially paying for, apps that aren't what I need.

I'm always involved in multiple projects at work that require multiple steps/tasks, and I need a way to keep track of them that will allow me to list my projects, put in some high-level and lower-level tasks, track which tasks are done, track why a task isn't done (i.e., what's holding it up), and set reminders for when to follow up on things I'm waiting for like when I can't do a certain thing because I'm waiting for something from a coworker. (The latter happens a lot.) This would be only for me, not to track what my team is doing or to collaborate with them. Right now, I'm trying to track all this in multiple places. I put where I am with something on a spreadsheet, then put to-do or reminder entries on my calendar, then have to refer to my e-mail to show that I asked someone for something and they haven't responded, and it has become an impossible situation working on so many different things. I'm trying to find a way to keep up with where I am now, where I was at each point in the past and why, and be notified each day if there's something I need to do that day for a specific project/task.

I'm very grateful for any suggestions even if I have to pay a bit of money to look at a few promising ones. Thanks so much in advance.
Hi there-I don't have an answer for you, but others may.

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I was on the same boat, where I was looking for an app to manage my to-do lists across multiple projects. I tried various to-do apps and ended up settling on Pocket Informant HD. You can set up multiple projects, use tags and has a convenient feature that allows you to make templates, and you can even add notes to any of your tasks. I find the interface easy to use but at the same time it has a lot of features to help you get organized.

I hope that helps.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are after but I'd maybe check out "errands". Theirs a free version to see if will do what your asking and it gets good reviews.
I was on the same boat, where I was looking for an app to manage my to-do lists across multiple projects. I tried various to-do apps and ended up settling on Pocket Informant HD. You can set up multiple projects, use tags and has a convenient feature that allows you to make templates, and you can even add notes to any of your tasks. I find the interface easy to use but at the same time it has a lot of features to help you get organized.

I hope that helps.

Thank you! I'll take a look at that!

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