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Lag in searching email address in iPad 1: also issue in iPad 2 or new iPad?

New Daddy

iPF Noob
Jan 17, 2011
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When I type in the first few letters or name of an email recipient, my iPad 1 searches my contact database to figure out the full email address. It's an invaluable feature for me, as I sometimes don't remember people's full email address.

The only problem is that my iPad 1 takes time to do it. Sometimes as long as 4 or 5 seconds. I know 4-5 seconds is not terrible long to wait, but with other mobile devices, email recognition has been almost instantaneous.

Is this lag still experienced in iPad 2 or the New iPad? Or is this due to the slow processing speed of iPad1?
I think this might be an IOS 5 issue as my iPhone 4 has been slow with this since upgrading to 5. Not sure if you're using IOS 5
I think this might be an IOS 5 issue as my iPhone 4 has been slow with this since upgrading to 5. Not sure if you're using IOS 5

Yes, I'm on iOS 5. Hope Apple will issue a fix for this soon if it is indeed an iOS 5 issue.
Yes, I'm on iOS 5. Hope Apple will issue a fix for this soon if it is indeed an iOS 5 issue.

And a year later it's still not fixed :-(. Okay, I'm still on iPad1 and so on iOS5; maybe it's been fixed on the iOS6 that generation oners like me are unable to upgrade to. Note it's only with the first address of a session where the problem manifests; susbsequent addresses are very quickly found.

But it's surely an iOS-generated problem. I've had this iPad since Day 1 and for the first year or so the response was instant. Then along came came iOS5 and it's been an unattended problem ever since. I'd like to think Apple would quickly fix these little faults but that hope seems forlorn, especially now for us first generation padders stuck on iOS5.

Can I ask those with newer iPads if the problem persists in iOS6?
And a year later it's still not fixed :-(. Okay, I'm still on iPad1 and so on iOS5; maybe it's been fixed on the iOS6 that generation oners like me are unable to upgrade to. Note it's only with the first address of a session where the problem manifests; susbsequent addresses are very quickly found.

But it's surely an iOS-generated problem. I've had this iPad since Day 1 and for the first year or so the response was instant. Then along came came iOS5 and it's been an unattended problem ever since. I'd like to think Apple would quickly fix these little faults but that hope seems forlorn, especially now for us first generation padders stuck on iOS5.

Can I ask those with newer iPads if the problem persists in iOS6?

I've heard an interesting theory from a friend.

According to her, Apple is well aware of these problems caused by a newer OS on an outdated device, but is not going to fix them, because they want people to think these problems go away on a newer device (which is true) and upgrade their hardware. It's a convincing theory.
I've heard an interesting theory from a friend.

According to her, Apple is well aware of these problems caused by a newer OS on an outdated device, but is not going to fix them, because they want people to think these problems go away on a newer device (which is true) and upgrade their hardware. It's a convincing theory.

While I enjoy a conspiracy theory as much as anyone, surely our much admired Apple would not stoop so low :-{{.

Someone, anyone, tell me it's not true...
It's not true (unless you want to believe it).

The iPad1 is old (in electronics days). In comparison with the newer models, it has a small amount of RAM and a slower-running processor. There have been many changes to the iPads since the iPad1 came out, not the least of it was the upgrades and changes to the iOS. Unfortunately, given the limitations of its [over] 3-year old hardware, it's just not going to be able to keep up.

When you access your contacts in Mail for the first time, the iPad1 has to find and load all those contacts - thus the time delay. But, it probably keeps that info/path in RAM for later use, which is why it's faster for later searches/inputs.

But, again, it's old. With a slower processor, it IS going to take time for that initial search and load up of your contacts. It's the nature of the beast.

Now, again, it's not a deliberate ploy by Apple - but it is inevitable: newer models are going to be faster and have more "bells and whistles" than the older (and original). It's like a car - newer models are going to get the technological improvements (the "new stuff"). There is only so much that can be done on older (and probably outdated) hardware. Apple's not leaving the iPad1 behind to get you to buy newer (though they wouldn't mind if you did :))); they're leaving it behind because it makes sense to focus on the new ... and improved (!).

IMHO, the iPad1 is still a marvelous piece of kit and works great. But, if you want faster, you're going to have to buy faster.

Hope that reassures.

Thanks Marilyn, I'm reassured :)

It does seem odd though that the contacts issue wasn't evident until iOS 5 came along; that is, why the processor speed was adequate before installing iOS 5 but inadequate after. But I accept there'd likely be a compelling technical explanation for it.

Anyhow, I'm stickin with my trusty antique, along with my even more antique 3G phone; they just don't build'em like the used to ;-)
It does seem odd though that the contacts issue wasn't evident until iOS 5 came along; that is, why the processor speed was adequate before installing iOS 5 but inadequate after. But I accept there'd likely be a compelling technical explanation for it.

Exactly. That's the point! Nobody's trying to accuse Apple of trying to slow down old devices on purpose.
Other than a few quirks, my iPad 1 still works fine on iOS 5. Is it slower than newer devices? Absolutely. Is it unbearable overall? No.

But when it comes down to a very small issue like this - a lag in a contact field populating, which is small inconvenience and seems like an easy thing to fix - you cannot but wonder if Apple is just ignoring the issue. Apply may not have planted the bug, but it definitely isn't fixing it!
Exactly. That's the point! Nobody's trying to accuse Apple of trying to slow down old devices on purpose.
Other than a few quirks, my iPad 1 still works fine on iOS 5. Is it slower than newer devices? Absolutely. Is it unbearable overall? No.

But when it comes down to a very small issue like this - a lag in a contact field populating, which is small inconvenience and seems like an easy thing to fix - you cannot but wonder if Apple is just ignoring the issue. Apply may not have planted the bug, but it definitely isn't fixing it!

It's likely that iOS 5,places more demands on the limited RAM of the iPad 1, causing the lagging problems. In regards to Apple not fixing the problem, it can't. The problem is inherent in the limited RAM of the iPad 1, which can't be increased. It is the nature of technology to be left behind by further advances. The ever increasing pace of technological advancement means that devices become outdated at an increased rate.

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