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Jailbroken iPad, having trouble with themes not fully apply

Hey guys, I just recently jailbroken my iPad 2 and now playing around with themes and I've got a few queries of why some things aren't working (to my knowledge) the way they should be. I HAVE searched as good as i could around here, and google, but couldn't really find the help I needed. But sorry if it is somewhere just point me to it :)

This is what I'm running
Ipad 2 5.0.1
Jailbroken with Absinthe

I'm not really understanding why the themes are not being fully applied.
The icons that never change are - Messages, Videos, Music, Newsstand, Reminders, Mail. Aswell as other apps (eBay, iBooks, Carsales etc All non standard apps)
I feel that it is something to do with the ios version (but then again I DO have 5.0.1 which is what works with absinthe. It's just that newsstand, reminders etc these icons were new with ios5)
But in screenshot previews of the themes the icons are changed
....I'll just let the pics do the talking :)

For example El3ment http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-themes/38074-el3ment-ipad-winterboard.html

Now this is my El3ment




Side note: El3ment doesn't apply to my SBSettings as well...

And here is similar ideal with iFlat 4



And Glass Orb


Anyway you get the picture The themes are not fully applying, this goes for in music player too.
I hope it's not something basic i've missed, but thanks for any help!!!
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Every time Apple release a new version of IOS they add things like new applications. These application icons are only themed IF the developer releases an updated 5.0.1 compatible theme. Not all (in fact only a few) themes have so far been updated for 5.0.1 support. That's the reason you only get partial themeing at the moment. Always worth sending the developer an email (details in Cydia) and searching google. There are several theme sites where folks submit their own themed icons...

In our own theme section, I usually post if I find a theme has been updated. e.g .BlueiPadV2 and Twilight 3volution have both been updated to 5.0.1.
Ah that's what I thought was going on, I was just a bit confused because icons like Mail are in all ios. But thanks for the response, I have got alot of use out of the theme section on here thanks!!
Glass Orb is AWESOME.. Easiest on the eye IMO and perfect with just about any wallpaper. Took me ages to get it to work on iPad 5.0.1.

I had trouble initially with some auto skinning, but changing the below skinned everything bar the messages icon.

/glass orb_ipad.theme/bundles......com.apple.mobileicons.framework

change AppIconMask-72.png to AppIconMask~ipad.png
AppIconShadow-72.png to AppIconShadow~ipad.png

Respring and should be good to go.

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elektobank - What exactly do you mean change the skinned everything bar?? From all the reading I've been doing on here, I know that by downloading iFile we can change the files etc But I don't know exactly what/how to do it.

What I meant was by changing the below files the auto skinning of all apps worked for everything except the messages icon.

In iFile navigate to the glass orb theme folder, which is here -

/glass orb_ipad.theme/bundles......com.apple.mobileicons.framework

and change the following two file names -

AppIconMask-72.png to AppIconMask~ipad.png
AppIconShadow-72.png to AppIconShadow~ipad.png

Haha ahh punctuation, I mis read. Thanks for that, it did change a few more of the icons, but I still have messages, reminders, Videos, Mail(I don't get why mail doesn't change it's on all ios) Newsstand and music all un-orbed/changed...Funnily enough facetime and photobooth did change???
Can this method be done for other themes too? By changing those file names (i pressume they will be the same?)

The auto-skinning is only for App Store icons and does not work on in-built apps or JB apps (as you no doubt are discovering).

That's why any new IOS release needs to have the new IOS in-built apps separately themed!
Yep that is what Im discovering :) Weird that it worked on facetime and photobooth though? But yes I have just spent the last 1hr and a bit doing the exact same idea on my themes, and it works as a remedy pretty well.

http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-themes/37788-official-themed-tweaked-screenshot-gallery-4.html Post #38 rookiedj mentions manually changing the icons. Are there artwork websites/areas hidden in theme(?) for each theme? For example Im rocking Uinique atm, can I manually change the icons?

Thanks :)
Still in ref to themes not fully applying. Does anybody ever get the backgrounds, while opening a folder not applying? Or how can we choose a custom wallpaper while in a folder?


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That looks like the folder background image used for the theme is not large enough. You can find the graphic within your themes folder in


You could always try enlarging it... :)

Or you can create your own theme folder, and create that file with the same path as above to use your own background. Then just apply it in Winterboard.
I'm not so sure it is the picture not being big enough? It only does it every so often in portrait, 50% of the time the folder wallpaper is as it should be and continues even when I scroll down through the folder (infinifolders installed) I respring and that doesn't fix it, turning it off then on again doesn't work, and throwing it against a wall probably won't work either..
Edit - also I should probably mention the themes I'm using are popular ones. Auinique, Auinique 2 and BlueiPad v2
I'm not so sure it is the picture not being big enough? It only does it every so often in portrait, 50% of the time the folder wallpaper is as it should be and continues even when I scroll down through the folder (infinifolders installed) I respring and that doesn't fix it, turning it off then on again doesn't work, and throwing it against a wall probably won't work either..
Edit - also I should probably mention the themes I'm using are popular ones. Auinique, Auinique 2 and BlueiPad v2

Always good to mention what you are using! It's probably infinifolders then... I'm a folder enhancer type of guy myself :)
f4780y said:
Always good to mention what you are using! It's probably infinifolders then... I'm a folder enhancer type of guy myself :)

Ive just tried uninstalling infinifolders but it still occurs?? Does this happen with you when using any of those themes F4?
Ive just tried uninstalling infinifolders but it still occurs?? Does this happen with you when using any of those themes F4?

Problem is I use FolderEnhancer which is completely non-native folders. Much better IMHO, but it means I can't see what you are seeing.

Having said that all the infini products are very good and reliable. It could well be a clash with something else. Sorry I can't help. Maybe someone else will chime in.

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