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Is backlight bleeding normal


iPF Noob
Mar 13, 2012
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So i just got my ipad and i have backlight bleeding its not to noticeable im just wondering if every ipad is like this
I just tested mine in a dark room with a black screen. I have no issues whatsoever on my iPad3.
It was an issue with some of the first batches of the iPad 2. Later batches did not.
I did the test in all darkness im not sure if mine is normal or not
No screen bleeding on my iPad. My last iPad 2 had minor screen bleeding. I am more than impressed with the new screen.
Fine on mine as well. I did have a bit of bleeding on the 2 but this one looks perfect.
Is seeing a little light fine?? This is my first ipad and im not sure what to look for? I will post a picture later of mine
I've got bleeding on mine, Verizon 32GB model. Will Apple replace with new one if I want?
Really i have apple care plus will i get a new ipad if i go to apple?
You have two weeks leeway to exchange at the Apple Store. I don't believe this would count against your Apple Care.

Sent from my iPad2 32 3G Black :)
Oh so once after two weeks and i exchange it what my applecare would expire??

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