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iPad2 3G Jailbreakers - IOS5 WARNING - 1 DAY TO GO!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2010
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Troon, Scotland
Since we have many iPad2 3G owners who are jailbroken, I wanted to take the time to remind everyone of the issues we face regarding jailbreaking on the iPad2 3G…

On 12th October, Apple will release IOS5 to the public and shortly afterwards, usually within 48 hours, they will stop signing IOS 4.3.5 for the iPad.

When Apple stops signing 4.3.5 you will no longer be able to restore your iPad2 3G to IOS 4.3.3 even if you have saved SHSH Blobs

The reason for this is related to the 3G modem firmware, also known as the baseband. IOS 4.3.3, 4.3.4, and 4.3.5 all share the same baseband version, namely 04.10.01. IOS5 ships with baseband 04.11.08. Basebands need signatures from Apple just like firmwares, but they cannot be saved and reused like firmware SHSH Blobs.

Up till now if you restored 4.3.3 with saved blobs the process would succeed because the installation of the 04.10.01 baseband also succeeds, since it is the current baseband for 4.3.5 which Apple is still signing.

However, once the new baseband is released you will not be able to successfully complete a restore to 4.3.3 with blobs because the installation of the 04.10.01 baseband in 4.3.3 will fail. Because we do not have a bootrom exploit for the iPad2 A5 chip yet, we can't pwn this process and correct it like we can with the iPad1 3G or iPhone4. Therefore, a failed baseband install equals a failed IOS restore. You will simply end up in a restore loop which can only be fixed by restoring to the latest version of IOS, which will be 5.0.

So, from October 12th onwards, iPad2 3G owners will need to be very careful! If anything goes wrong with your device which necessitates a restore, you will lose you jailbreak because you will be forced to restore to 5.x. There will be no way round this. You have been warned! :)

Of course on the bright side we know up to 5 userland exploits have been identified for IOS5 by the Chronic Dev Team. However, you may still have to wait a while for one of these to be developed into a working jailbreak, then tested and released to the public.

Please note, none of this applies to iPad1 owners or those with the iPad2 WiFi Only model. If you have saved blobs you will always be able to restore back to a 4.x firmware if you need to.
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Please note, none of this applies to iPad1 owners . If you have saved blobs you will always be able to restore back to a 4.x firmware if you need to.

This is me, right, Leigh? So, even after Apple stops signing 4.x firmware, I will be able to restore?
So just to resume, the owners of an Ipad 2 3g with 4.3.5 will have to wait a liittle bit longer in order to be able to jailbreak it ?or will just not be able to jailbreak it :( .... Im dying for it!!!!!

So just to resume, the owners of an Ipad 2 3g with 4.3.5 will have to wait a liittle bit longer in order to be able to jailbreak it ?or will just not be able to jailbreak it :( .... Im dying for it!!!!!


any iPad 2 on 4.3.5 is NOT jailbroken, and i would suggest you upgrade to iOS 5(Oct 12th)...as i don't see a jailbreak happening for 4.3.5.
So go to iOS 5 and wait like everyone else, until a jailbreak is announced....Once a jailbreak for iOS 5 is available, this forum will have that info within seconds to minutes.

iPad 2's are only jailbreakable on 4.3.3 at this present moment...ONLY 4.3.3(nothing else).

Now read this thread again....what is mentioned, will only affect the 3G versions, not WiFi versions of the iPad 2.
The new PreferenceLoader and Activator are out for iOS 5. i0n1c who has released a few jailbreaks says developers have an untethered jailbreak on the way. I think things look at least optimistic!
guthrien said:
The new PreferenceLoader and Activator are out for iOS 5. i0n1c who has released a few jailbreaks says developers have an untethered jailbreak on the way. I think things look at least optimistic!

Absolutely, we should always be optimistic! The question is not "if", but rather "when" we see an untethered IOS5 JB :)
Great. I am with iPAD1 4.3.3 JB with the Blob.
Looking at what v5.0 can offer - I see that I don't miss that much.
So I can relaxed, and wait for a good V5 JB, if at all...
Just curious on any news if the dev's found a way to restore without blobs on ios5? Don't have a twitter account to check myself.
Do the advantages of removing the 4.3 (3G ) jb and upgrading to os5 outweigh continuing with existing jb ? Or should we wait for a new 5 jb upgrade

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Do the advantages of removing the 4.3 (3G ) jb and upgrading to os5 outweigh continuing with existing jb ? Or should we wait for a new 5 jb upgrade

Sent from my iPad using iPF

The only person who can really answer that question is you. You have to look at what jailbreak tweaks you have now that you'd lose on iOS5, then look at what iOS5 brings versus what's available to the jailbreaker. It's an extremely personal decision that again, every user will have to make for him/herself.

For me, I'll wait. There are some things on my JB iPad I would seriously miss if I upgraded to iOS5 (Overboard, SBSettings and OpenNotifier). Again, YMMV.

IMO, I think it is best to wait until iOS 5 is out, the installed base grows, and problems surface. If there are any problems, that is. Not so sure it give me anything all that insanely great that can't be had with a JB and an app from Cydia. Just my $1.49 opinion.
I think there is definitely merit in moving slow no matter what you decide, though iOS 5 itself has been in beta for some time, and more substrate tweaks are updated and released every day, such as SBSettings and RetinaPad. It will all pan out once it's all in the wild, and I'll be very thankful for this site's conversation when it is.
Just curious on any news if the dev's found a way to restore without blobs on ios5? Don't have a twitter account to check myself.

Sorry OUTL4W, meant to come back on this sooner.

No, there is still no way round blobs, and there is unlikely to ever be given the way they are implemented. It's not the sort of thing you can just patch or exploit your way around.

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