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iPad won't charge at all

Stephen19 said:
Oh ok, as I was then, I was talking about the white leads. One came with ipod, other with ipad. The plug part I use came with ipad.
So I can use either to charge and wont delay? But shoukd se iad one to sync or does that not matter

You can use either cable to charge & sync your iPad. But for optimal charging use the iPad wall charger.
I was starting to panic this morning because I looked at my power and it said 61%.
I charge it every night. I'm at work so I tried charging with my PC and my Printer. The Ipad said Not Charging. I thought my Ipad broke.
I have two chargers beside my bed, one Ipad one Iphone. I think I mixed them up last night. I didn't know they were different. I will have to mark my ipad one with tape or something.

Thanks for the Info. :ipad-front: :)
Ncaissie said:
Then why didn't my Ipad charge? So it is broken?

It didn't charge at all?

When the current is too low, the iPad says 'Not charging', but it still trickle charges. It should charge slowly, but if you are using the iPad at the same time, you won't notice charging, as the iPad will use nearly as much power, as it is getting charged.
You had it in the wall, right. Not the computer? I have used as I said, my daughter's ipod charger and my best friends, iPhone charger and it works fine.
Yeah, it was in the wall. It says 60% and I only used it 10 minutes on the buss so it should not be 60% if it charged all night.
I hope the USB part just came out.
That is going to bug me all day until I get home to check.
Stephen19 said:
Ha ha, I had a look and the ipod one has a slightly larger bit on the end that slots into the hardware ... 10 mm v 5 mm on ipad adapter.

This is what I've done:


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