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Ipad unresponsive...anyone else seen this?


iPF Noob
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Here's the situation.

Twice now, my iPad has become unresponsive, usually after being asleep, with the cover closed, for a couple of hours. I open the cover to a black screen. The ipad does not respond to either the Home button or the Sleep/Wake button. It also does not respond to a hard reset (Sleep/Wake button and Home button held down for 30 seconds). It ONLY responds if I plug it in to my PC. Running IOS 5. The battery IS NOT dead, in fact the first time it happened battery charge was at over 90%. I also checked the toggle switch on the side to make sure it wasn't set to ignore key presses.

Clearly, this is unacceptable. It's a mobile device and I need to be able to depend on it when away from the office. As it is, it's a $600 paper weight.
Hi and welcome! I don not use a smart cover as you are describing, but have you tried to remove the cover as assess whether it become unresponsive as well?
Hi and welcome! I don not use a smart cover as you are describing, but have you tried to remove the cover as assess whether it become unresponsive as well?

I did fully remove the cover when it was unresponsive and this seemed to have no effect. I have not tried running the ipad without the cover generally.
This happened to me today, in fact. Just froze. Do a hard reset. Hold the power button and the home button down at the same time until you see the Apple Logo ~ approx 10 seconds. Not sure where 30 seconds came from. The apple logo shows way before that.

Let it reboot!
This happened to me today, in fact. Just froze. Do a hard reset. Hold the power button and the home button down at the same time until you see the Apple Logo ~ approx 10 seconds. Not sure where 30 seconds came from. The apple logo shows way before that.

Let it reboot!

As I mentioned in my OP, I already tried that. The 30 seconds was what I tried when the 10 seconds didn't work the first three times I tried it. Hard reset did nothing.
Doing the same thing again this morning. The only thing I can think of is that netflix was open when I closed the cover on it last night. Don't know that that would be the problem.
Time to make an appointment with an apple genius or call Apple customer care and support. Perhaps they can help you find the problem.
I sent the ipad in, and the tech people were supposedly informed that it could take a day or three to make the problem manifest. They had it for less than a day before declaring it working and mailing it back. It's clear to me that they didn't even TRY to diagnose the problem.

I should've known better than to think customer service with Apple was actually any better than anyone else's.
Hmmm....that's too bad. It sound's like your problems is too difficult to reproduce even for yourself. Can you return your ipad for a new one if you are in that 14-30 day period for exchanges?
Hmmm....that's too bad. It sound's like your problems is too difficult to reproduce even for yourself. Can you return your ipad for a new one if you are in that 14-30 day period for exchanges?


I can make the problem reproduce itself, it just takes time. The pad needs to be asleep for an extended period of time (16ish hours seems to be a common figure). When plugging the device back in, it momentarily shows a battery indicator that claims the battery is totally depleted, but once the device boots the charge indicator will indicate something entirely different (this evening, it indicated 32% charge for example).

Is it possible I might get better / more competent service if I go to a store in person rather than mailing it in?

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