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iPad to replace Nook and Kindel


iPF Noob
I will be purchasing an iPad for my wife soon, but the more I think about it I may replace my Nook with one as well. I absolutely love my Nook and have used it every day for the 6 months I have owned it, but I am blown away by the fact that if I buy one I can not only still read all my B&N books, but read any Kindle book as well.
Do lots of reading on the iPad before you think of replacing your e-ink reader. My neighbor has a Kindle and it is a lot easier on my eyes than my iPad. Now don't get me wrong, I have this over that for a reason but my wife is a voracious reader and I am thinking of an e-ink reader for her because of possible eye strain.

Let us know your decision as I will surely be interested in your take.
I agree with vondonds. Get your wife the iPad and do some reading on it. If you still like the ipad, then buy it.
I've had my nook for about 4 months now and I really enjoy using it. I too thought that when I purchased the iPad, that it would replace my nook as an ereader. I was mistaken! The iPad is a great device, but it's not a great ereader! The backlight does cause eyestrain after about 15 minutes or so of reading. I've even attempted to adjust the back light, font, background and font colors to no avail!

The nook is great at what it was designed for, and that's reading! The iPad, as an ereader isn't the greatest device on the market. If I were you, I stick with the nook for reading and use the iPad for everything else! Just my .02!

Have a great day!
I used my Sony Reader for two years and loved it, but having just finished my first novel on the iPad, I have to say I felt no eye strain at all. It took a while to find a comfortable holding position, but I did. Now I feel no compunction about replacing my reader with the iPad.
Cant say I mind it at all. I think it is easy to read on and with the adjustable backlight I can keep it easy on the eyes no matter the lighting in the room.
Try one for yourself and see if it works for you before selling the others...
Good luck
Took the plunge!

Thanks for everyone’s answer. I just took the plunge and ordered the 16 GB Wi-Fi version from the Apple store on line. :D
No issues with reading on the iPad here. Turn the brightness down and it's irrelevant imo. I read a full book in one sitting about 5 days ago, no issues.
Do lots of reading on the iPad before you think of replacing your e-ink reader. My neighbor has a Kindle and it is a lot easier on my eyes than my iPad. Now don't get me wrong, I have this over that for a reason but my wife is a voracious reader and I am thinking of an e-ink reader for her because of possible eye strain.

Let us know your decision as I will surely be interested in your take.

My wife has the Nook and an iPad, and she like your neighbor prefers the Nook over the iPad. She gets headaches spending lots of time reading on the Pad. Me on the other hand prefer the iPad for reading books. I think the complaints against the iPad is due to the amount of time spent reading. My wife will finish a book without setting down her Nook. It would take me days or even weeks to finish the same book. This may be why I am fine with the iPad. :confused::confused::confused:
I agree with all the above. Spend some time on the iPad and decide for your own eyes. I have been reading on the Touch since it came out and the iPad since April and absolutely love it. I can read for 6 to 8 hours at a time with no issues. I do however have problems with the Kindle. To me the screen is not sharp enough for comfortable reading.
However, my wife is the exact opposite. She hates reading on the iPad but spends hours on the Kindle.
So, only your eyes will know for sure.
I love reading via kindle in iPad. No issues of course my second kindle app is on my blackberry. If you can read there you can read anywhere!

I do wish we had option to change background to black. On my mobipocket app on blackberry I would read black backgroi d white text, much easier.
Well I received my iPad last night and loaded up the b&n ereader and started reading my books. Pretty cool but I think I will keep my nook because
The eink is much easier on the eyes.
great for joints

im selling my kindle which works better than ipad in strong light. since i do a lot of reading in local pubs, joints and places where adult beverages are sold the ipad works great in the low light environment.
fred from nashville
I've had my nook for about 4 months now and I really enjoy using it. I too thought that when I purchased the iPad, that it would replace my nook as an ereader. I was mistaken! The iPad is a great device, but it's not a great ereader! The backlight does cause eyestrain after about 15 minutes or so of reading. I've even attempted to adjust the back light, font, background and font colors to no avail!

The nook is great at what it was designed for, and that's reading! The iPad, as an ereader isn't the greatest device on the market. If I were you, I stick with the nook for reading and use the iPad for everything else! Just my .02!

Have a great day!

I am enjoying the eReader aspect of my iPad especially the landscape view which looks like an open book. For that reason, I always buy books from iBooks if possible as the other platforms don't have this. About eyestrain, have you tried using the Sepia setting for the background? I happened to try it one day, and it made a huge difference to my eyes.

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