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iPad syncing with iTunes


iPF Noob
Mar 2, 2012
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland
I have an iPad2 and iPod Touch which sync with iTunes in a Windows 7 PC.

I have now got a Mac Mini but, if I log into iTunes in the Mac with the same Apple ID, it sees it as a different iTunes Library, warns that I can only sync with one Library and that proceeding will put the iPad/iPod back to default settings with the loss of all downloaded Apps. (...and it does!)

What am I missing that, when using the same ID, it isn't seen as having the same Library?
Hi Mgmcc--Please be patient as other members see your post. While you are waiting, have you tried to use the Search function to find your answer? I do not have a Mac Mini-but do understand that ipads do not like to be synced to multiple computers. It really should be assigned to syncing with one PC to avoid the havoc of what you may be experiencing. Have you authorized your Mac Mini with your current account? Some things to consider.


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Best Wishes and Enjoy!
Thanks guys, I've now got both iPad and iPod syncing with iTunes in the Mac. Had to do a bit of rearranging to get the icons back in their corrrect positions!

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