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iPad mini Not loading anything that uses internet!!!


iPF Noob
Sep 19, 2013
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My iPad mini won't load anything that uses the internet. So it won't load youtube videos or safari pages. I have done everything :mad:. PLEASE HELP
What have you done already? Turn off and on your wifi? Restart your iPad? Close out your apps? Please let us know what you have already done so we can help you further.

Also, I just deleted your other post as it was a duplicate of this one. Please do not do this since it makes it hard for other members to read and help you if there are multiple threads of the same topic present. It is also against forum rules.


Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Last edited:
I have turned wifi on and off, turned iPad on and off, turned router off and on, and closed port forwarding.
I have turned wifi on and off, turned iPad on and off, turned router off and on, and closed port forwarding.

Have you done a reset of your ipad by pressing the home button and the wake/sleep button at the same time?

Also, have you tried to "Forget the Network" and log back in to see if that works? Give that a try and see. Otherwise then next would be to check/reset your network settings on your ipad, but before you do this...do the others first.
Have you tried your iPad elsewhere to see if it picks up a connection? McDonald's, Starbucks? That way you can rule out if it's your router or your iPad.

Also, I have also read that changing the wifi DNS setting to helps to fix the problem. I haven't tried, but worth a try.
Possibly it is my router. I contacted Telus. They said I have an old router. So they shipped a new one. Have to wait and watch.

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