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iPad Battery Issue


iPF Noob
Jun 7, 2013
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New to the forum, must apologize in advance this might be a long post.
I've had my iPad2 for about 15 months now, of course just out of warranty, and within the past week the battery has gone to hell. Before a charge use to last me 4-5 days with usage and on stand-by the rest of the time. Within a night it suddenly changed to that over a 8 hour stand-by cycle that the battery would lose 30-35%. I did a restore to see if that changed anything and it didn't. Went to the Genius Bar and they ran a diagnostic test on the battery and said it was still running excellently at 100% function. He suggested a few things to help preserve battery life but couldn't replicate the problem.
I went home and did a full clean sweep, getting rid of all apps and settings and shutting off my cellular data, in case that might be the issue. Then let the battery drain down until it died. I recharged it back up to 100% over a 24 hour span. Then I just left it sitting there untouched for the next 18 hours. Over that time he battery drained 60%. I again took it to the Genius Bar and they said that was normal, I disagree and understand that standby still uses battery but 60% really? They said at this point the only thing I can do is live with it and just turn my iPad off when I'm not using it or they can replace it for $250. I don't have the money so I said I'll just live with it and turn it off. That was on Tuesday. I spent Tuesday and most of Wednesday using it very little and noticed the battery was doing well. Thursday it was charged back up to a 100% and I read and used it for a few things then went to bed at 2:30, before going to bed I turned the iPad off with a battery charge of 88% and let it be.i woke up at 1030 and just turned it on and now the charge is it 62%. Since typing this it had gone down to 57%. From my understanding this is not normal at all. The Genius Bar has so far been no help whatsoever and I am out of ideas. Is there anything you can recommend? I'd really hate to spend the $250 but at this point with no usage to very little usage the battery life won't last much more than a day.
Thanks for any help you might be able to offer and sorry for the long read. :eek:
I wouldn't say it's normal. Not at all. What services and features do you have turned on? Bluetooth? Location services? How often is the iPad setup to check for new mail? What's your screen brightness? How long is the ipad set to autolock the screen? All of these things can combine to diminish battery life. Your case does seem extreme though.

Bounce back with more details on your settings.
Do you happen to have the Google app installed? It has been rumoured to drain the batteries of iOS devices...
There was nothing on. I had no apps installed on it, location services were off, Bluetooth off, no mail set up, absolutely nothing. Yesterday I charged it up to 100% then shut the whole thing down and left it that way. I didn't turn it on at all and took it to a second apple store, where the guy was more helpful. When we turned it on the battery had drained from 100% down to 44% with the whole thing being turned off for 24 hours. He said he did some sort of special reset commanding it to update a few extra things that it typically doesn't. He told me he'll save all the notes and if it persists then to bring it back in and they'll start working on a case to help me out. Overall I was much happier with this visit, so we will see what happens. So far there is no answers yet, I'm charging it back up now and will see what happens overnight with it turned off. Thanks for your help so far!
I have almost exactly the same issue! iPad 2 worked perfectly for 18 months, then two weeks ago...wham! Since then, the battery has basically just drained everyday. It can go from 100% down to 40% overnight. Leave it a 25% and go out for the afternoon and it has no power when you return.

My iPad is a wifi only version, I do have a few apps, but nothing like some people I know (I maybe have 30). I do have four email accounts but I have always had that, and I haven't actually downloaded anything new for a good few weeks - certainly a couple of weeks previous to my problem.

So, I have not changed the way I use it, or how long I use it for each day, so puzzled as to why it has all of a sudden just started draining. It literally was like someone just flicked a switch three Wednesdays ago!

Very annoying and costing me a fortune in electricity:-(

I have almost exactly the same issue! iPad 2 worked perfectly for 18 months, then two weeks ago...wham! Since then, the battery has basically just drained everyday. It can go from 100% down to 40% overnight. Leave it a 25% and go out for the afternoon and it has no power when you return.

My iPad is a wifi only version, I do have a few apps, but nothing like some people I know (I maybe have 30). I do have four email accounts but I have always had that, and I haven't actually downloaded anything new for a good few weeks - certainly a couple of weeks previous to my problem.

So, I have not changed the way I use it, or how long I use it for each day, so puzzled as to why it has all of a sudden just started draining. It literally was like someone just flicked a switch three Wednesdays ago!

Very annoying and costing me a fortune in electricity:-(


Your battery or phone may have developed a defect that causes the rapid discharge. It would be worthwhile to take it to an Apple store to have it checked out. If it needs a battery replacement this page tells what it will cost. http://www.apple.com/ca/batteries/replacements.html
Here's the equivalent U.S. page. http://www.apple.com/batteries/replacements.html
The defect is what I think is ultimately wrong with mine. Unfortunately, my ipad is out of warranty and the battery still shows that it is running at 100% so they haven't offered me the battery replacement plan. They are building a case right now towards what I believe they will ultimately offer that to me but a case has to be made with multiple failed attempts to fix it. I take it back to the Genius Bar on Tuesday because nothing has changed.

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