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iPad as a Tool for Pro Photographers


iPF Noob
Apr 13, 2010
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My take on the iPad just went up on my blog today. I have been a commercial photographer for over twenty years and gone through many portfolio formats. I think this has a ton of promotional potential. Would love to hear any feedback, especially from other photographers who have shown there work using it.
I have tried to use the iPad for on the fly editing and have been let down by the apps that are available. Just about every app I have downloaded crashes at some point during an edit. Having an app that would allow me to keep my iPad connected so I can use it as a review screen while shooting photos would be awesome.
Hi Lara,

The iPad is great as a promotional tool to showcase your works.
I started to try and import all my photos into my iPad the minute I got it.

But I realised that that is not possible as using the iPad to sync photos from my iMac is an agony. It tries to optimise the photos to fit into the display size of the iPad and it is taking a long time to optimise the photos.

At the present moment, I have about 30,000+ photos and after 2-3 hours of optimising, I gave up. Had to reorganise my folders and select only the essential ones.

The iPad is definitely better at showing the client the full image on a 9.7" screen as opposed to a 3" LCD.

Have you got the camera connection kit? Was trying to get it when my wife bought the iPad for me, but it wasn't available at the store.

Were you using a Lensbaby, Lomo or T/S lens for the above shot ? DOF plane seems different from a normal lens.
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Sent your blog link to a friend who is trying to convince her photographer husband to buy one. It would be useful in promoting her jewellery making hobby.
Hi Lara,

The iPad is great as a promotional tool to showcase your works.
I started to try and import all my photos into my iPad the minute I got it.

But I realised that that is not possible as using the iPad to sync photos from my iMac is an agony. It tries to optimise the photos to fit into the display size of the iPad and it is taking a long time to optimise the photos.

At the present moment, I have about 30,000+ photos and after 2-3 hours of optimising, I gave up. Had to reorganise my folders and select only the essential ones.

The iPad is definitely better at showing the client the full image on a 9.7" screen as opposed to a 3" LCD.

Have you got the camera connection kit? Was trying to get it when my wife bought the iPad for me, but it wasn't available at the store.

Were you using a Lensbaby, Lomo or T/S lens for the above shot ? DOF plane seems different from a normal lens.

I just use iPhoto to upload portfolios and I really edit them down. I think less is more when it comes to presenting your work. I used a Canon 50 1.2 L series lens for the shot, open to about 2.0 maybe? I think it is just the angle maybe that gives it that look.
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One of the first things I did with my iPad was to demonstrate it to my friend who deals in vintage watches.
The device makes an easily portable sales tool, especially with pinch and zoom. You can also quickly access your website or even VPN into your home database if needed.
Hi Lara,

The iPad is great as a promotional tool to showcase your works.
I started to try and import all my photos into my iPad the minute I got it.

But I realised that that is not possible as using the iPad to sync photos from my iMac is an agony. It tries to optimise the photos to fit into the display size of the iPad and it is taking a long time to optimise the photos.

At the present moment, I have about 30,000+ photos and after 2-3 hours of optimising, I gave up. Had to reorganise my folders and select only the essential ones.

The iPad is definitely better at showing the client the full image on a 9.7" screen as opposed to a 3" LCD.

Have you got the camera connection kit? Was trying to get it when my wife bought the iPad for me, but it wasn't available at the store.

Were you using a Lensbaby, Lomo or T/S lens for the above shot ? DOF plane seems different from a normal lens.

I had the same problem and you either need to let it run all night or set up another folder where you have a more manageable number of photos to optimize.

Lovely work on both your blog and website!

I'm hoping to use my iPad more with future OS (or should I say iOS) upgrades. I'd love the ability to do some RAW processing, and have a better file system.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a camera attachment on the iPad ?


Would be great to have a 10MP, 28mm/F1.8L USM lens with a 9.7" LCD Live-View screen instead of a 3" LCD :D

One that can just be plugged into the 30-Pin connector without any cables.

Wish someone will invent something like that.
Hi Lara,

The iPad is great as a promotional tool to showcase your works.
I started to try and import all my photos into my iPad the minute I got it.

But I realised that that is not possible as using the iPad to sync photos from my iMac is an agony. It tries to optimise the photos to fit into the display size of the iPad and it is taking a long time to optimise the photos.

At the present moment, I have about 30,000+ photos and after 2-3 hours of optimising, I gave up. Had to reorganise my folders and select only the essential ones.

The iPad is definitely better at showing the client the full image on a 9.7" screen as opposed to a 3" LCD.

Have you got the camera connection kit? Was trying to get it when my wife bought the iPad for me, but it wasn't available at the store.

Were you using a Lensbaby, Lomo or T/S lens for the above shot ? DOF plane seems different from a normal lens.
Just playing devil's advocate, why on earth would you want to load 30,000 pictures onto the iPad? You said that it's a great tool to showcase your work, but who wants to see 30,000 versions of your work? I think any potential client would want to see MAYBE 100 different shots, max. Even if you were potentially taking on a client like Microsoft, I doubt they would want to see 30,000.

I would just pick even 1,000 and sync just those.
I can't wait for a decent photo processing app to come out, might encourage me ton use RAW more. As for the iPad as a portfolio I think its a great idea, people will be drawn in either by the awesome gadget the iPad is or by the standard of your work or both! No doubt there will soon be 'an app for that.'
I know by no means is it Photoshop, but Photogene has been the typical suggestion for me.
Hi Matt,

Yup, gave up the idea of synching 30,000 photos.
Just loaded 6,000 instead. Still, it took about an hour to optimize.

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