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ipad and remote desktop access


iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2012
Reaction score
Having just started by own business, I have the problem of replying/sending emails when I am out and about which accounts for quite a lot of my week.

I often need access to previous sent/received emails and documents which makes it a pain to use my Blackberry as the screen/viewing is so small.

Enter the idea of an ipad. Great for emailing on a 3G connection and you can actually see what you're typing and documents.

However, seeing historical emails is the problem. I currently use a desktop at home with Windows 7 64 bit. My email is on Outlook. Is there any method by which I can view my desktop remotely from an ipad and so view my emails, docs etc.

Grateful for anyone's help.


Sure is! There are a lot of remote login apps/programs (for your computer). A popular one at this site, among our members, is SplashTop (disclaimer: I have it and love it). I've also seen people use Jump and LogMeIn Ignition.

Best thing to do is the the special Google search for this forum (up there on the right) and looked for "remote login. There's a bunch of threads with lots of back-and-forth discussion, tips and pros/cons.

Good luck in your decision and search.

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