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Ipad and Imac Tiger


iPF Noob
May 10, 2010
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According to the ipad specs my old imac on tiger is not compatible. Is that important since I will not be dumping files or photos from the imac.

On apple chat they told me if my itunes is current thats all that matters to buy books, music, movies etc.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this.

Thanks, willie
According to the ipad specs my old imac on tiger is not compatible. Is that important since I will not be dumping files or photos from the imac.

On apple chat they told me if my itunes is current thats all that matters to buy books, music, movies etc.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this.

Thanks, willie

Sorry Willie, but you're going to needto upgrade to OS X Leopard at a minimum.

I have Tiger on my Mac Mini and could not sync/activate even with the latest iTunes.
According to the ipad specs my old imac on tiger is not compatible. Is that important since I will not be dumping files or photos from the imac.

On apple chat they told me if my itunes is current thats all that matters to buy books, music, movies etc.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this.

Thanks, willie

Yes the answer is no. One option is to purchase a second hand later model that has Leopard on it or even a a low cost win 7 net computer (not my choice though) Regards Colin

I was afraid of that. I guess apple knew we would not buy the ipad if our current systems were not compatible. Not sure what we will do now that it means around 1500 bucks to get ipad plus leopard. Thanks for your input.
Ipad/Imac OS Upgrade

Good news for my old tiger imac. For $99 I can get leopard 10.5.8 installed so my compatibility issue is solved.

Thank you all for your input...


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