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iPad 2 Music makers unite :-)

I'm a performing musician (singer, k-boards, electronic, samplesrs ect) playing electro and italop-pop (80's) music. Now i have used my ipad in live gigs for coup,e of time and its just perfect. I use it as a sampler, soundfont player and synth via core midi with my Roland midi controller. From software I use (and suggest) Garage band (ofcourse), but also Aurora sound studio, Electify, Sound Trends Studio HD, iSequence, SunVox, Fruity Loops Studio Hd, Music studio, good old ReBrith and from sytnhs iVoxel (vocoder synth), Bs-16i (soundfont player), iSynPoly, EPS (electric piano synth), Akai synth station and Synth! (sampler). And ofcourse iElectribe and DM1 for drums

Sent from Tommy's iPad2 using iPF

i hope they update the IO Dock really quickly, because I want to HAVE one soon!

gigging with it live with be a blast! i use a line 6 HD500 modeler pedal now, but that's big and bulky. the iPad is much more easy to carry, and that big screen will look SEXY onstage!!!:D:D:D

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