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Ipad 2 Camera


iPF Noob
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys,
Anyone know how many pixels is the ipad 2's camera.
Reason I ask is because my iphone 4 takes better pictures than my ipad.

The iPhone 4 has a 5 megapixel rear facing camera,the iPad 2 has a .7 megapixel rear facing camera.This explains the better pictures taken with your iPhone camera.
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I swear sometimes I just don't get Apple's thinking. Why would they ever do something that stupid. They brag about having 2 cameras, using Facetime or Facedial, they talk about video, front and back, bla bla bla......but their camera just sucks!!!!!!

I love apple stuff, I mean I really like their stuff. I have a Macbook pro 13" that has put every windows machine I've ever used to shame, I have an iphone 4, an Ipad 2, apple tv, a 3rd gen ipod touch and I even have their wireless router with built in 1 terabyte of space for backups, so I'm familiar with their stuff. But even with all their successful stuff they always seem to drop the ball with the small details. It makes no sense!!!!!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!
I just don't understand their mindset and decision making process sometimes.

[Moderator edit: Please watch the language. This is a family forum. Thanks.]
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Now that was a rant! Thank you.

Sent from my iPad 2 wifi 16 GB 5.1.1 iOS using iPF
I swear sometimes I just don't get Apple's thinking. Why would they ever do something that stupid. They brag about having 2 cameras, using Facetime or Facedial, they talk about video, front and back, bla bla bla......but their camera just sucks ass!!!!!!

Well Chief, you can always buy the newest iPad which has a camera resolution similar to the iPhone - your choice? :)

I have the iPad 2 and the camera SUCKS (proven by so many posts & threads on this forum) - plus, the iPad is certainly not a convenient 'digital camera' due to its size and form; at the moment, I'm just keeping my 'ole' iPad and waiting for the next version!
Personally I could live without the rear camera on the iPad. For me it is a tablet and I do not use it for pictures. The front facing camera is a must for skype and facetime but Apple must figure who is really going to use this a their primary camera. As others stated if it is important you can look into the new iPad since the camera is substantially better, although it still does not hold up against the 4s in my opinion.
seneca18 said:
Personally I could live without the rear camera on the iPad. For me it is a tablet and I do not use it for pictures. The front facing camera is a must for skype and facetime but Apple must figure who is really going to use this a their primary camera. As others stated if it is important you can look into the new iPad since the camera is substantially better, although it still does not hold up against the 4s in my opinion.

I see people taking pictures with their iPhone all the time. Rarely do I see anyone use their iPad to take a photo. I've done it once or twice and it feels awkward, plus the result isn't very good. However, I use the iPad to digitize cheques in order to deposit them at the bank, read product scan labels at grocery stores, and take quick shots of stuff I want to remember for later reference. For such chores the iPad camera gets the job done.
The iPad 2 is great for Facetime and Skype without chewing through loads of bandwidth.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
I see people taking pictures with their iPhone all the time. Rarely do I see anyone use their iPad to take a photo. I've done it once or twice and it feels awkward, plus the result isn't very good. However, I use the iPad to digitize cheques in order to deposit them at the bank, read product scan labels at grocery stores, and take quick shots of stuff I want to remember for later reference. For such chores the iPad camera gets the job done.

I think the only time I have used the camera on my iPad 2 and my new iPad was for taking pictures of items then listing them with the eBay app. I guess it is useful for that, and like you said it gets the job done. Not going to win any photography contests with it.

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