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iPF Noob
Jan 28, 2012
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Is iPad 2... Front camera is better than back camera......friends... Anybody explain... I feel my iPad back camera is very less quality than my iphone 4... How much mega pixel.? Of camera is this?
Back camera: Video recording, HD (720p) up to 30 frames per second with audio; still camera with 5x digital zoom
Front camera: Video recording, VGA up to 30 frames per second with audio; VGA-quality still camera
Tap to control exposure for video or stills
Photo and video geotagging over Wi-Fi
(from the Apple iPad tech specs page)
Anybody know what (HD720p) equates to in megapixels ?
He 720 means... Video taking capacity.... And still photography is measured in pixels... I believe this iPad is 5megaixels... But it is not that much good as my iphone....
This is an oft asked question and a simple search would likely provide plenty of information - the iPad's cameras stink! They are useful for video conferencing and for low to decent quality video.

The front camera has a resolution of about .3 MP useful for video chatting only; the back camera has a higher resolution but is still under 1 MP - still images are possible but disappointing; now there is a thread on 'showing your images' and some decent pics are illustrated especially if the light is good.

Bottom line - if you want decent 'still images' take your digital camera along; the multi-MP current iPhones are a vast improvement - :)
Giradman is right on. However if no other option I use Camera Boost.
Neither camera is that great compared even to your cell phone. But, for video chat its not bad. I use an app called Top Camera for taking pictures (when I do take pics). I often transform a picture into artwork by tracing over the lines and filling in colors. For that, the ipad camera is just about right and very convenient.

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