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ipad 2 apps


iPF Noob
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
New to the Ipad and learning how to use it, is there a way to transfer apps from a droid to the ipad2?
No. iPad is on the iOS operating system. Your Droid is on the Android operating system. It's like they speak different languages.
Explore the App Store. There are many Apps that are te same or very similar to what you have on your droid. Have fun with it!
Kaykaykay gave you the right answer, but I'm thinking that in fact they both are same OS, they both are UNIX in the background. Maybe exists some kind of port from one to another. In any case the iOS has to be jailbreaked before
Kaykaykay gave you the right answer, but I'm thinking that in fact they both are same OS, they both are UNIX in the background. Maybe exists some kind of port from one to another. In any case the iOS has to be jailbreaked before

This kind of porting would beyond normal user level. Porting of that kind is doable, but usually by app developers.

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