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iPad 2 4.3.5 jail break - help a noob out please.


iPF Noob
Nov 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hi gang
I'm a srs noob and have been looking online for this but I just can't find anything relevant. Is it possible to jailbreak iPad2 4.3.5 without downgrading to 4.3.3, and if not, is downgrading to 4.3.3 safe/legit.
If people can refer me to sites of which. Can jailbreak or even get info that'd be cool

You cannot jailbreak on iOS 4.3.5 on an iPad2. If you have SHSH blobs for iOS 4.3.3. AND a WiFi only iPad2 (no 3G), then you can downgrade the iPad2 to iOS 4.3.3 to jailbreak it. Else, you are outta luck.

If you do have blobs AND a WiFi only iPad2, then see this sticky on how to load that firmware version: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-your-ipad-using-tinyumbrella-shsh-blobs.html

Good luck.


P.S. I have moved this to the regular Hacking forum as it was posted in the incorrect spot...

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