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iPad 1 jailbroken 4.3.1 - how update to 5.0.1?

jwjohnson said:
Did you already upgrade to 5.1.1 as explained in Marilyn's post?

No because I can't, when I attached my device that message came up...
So after i successfully updated (thank you again), cydia worked for a day. The next day Cydia keeps force closing, i click on it and it automatically closes. My apps also jitter retardedly, and when i open up some of my app folders the apps disappear from the screen until i close the folder... what's going on and how do i fix it :(
So after i successfully updated (thank you again), cydia worked for a day. The next day Cydia keeps force closing, i click on it and it automatically closes. My apps also jitter retardedly, and when i open up some of my app folders the apps disappear from the screen until i close the folder... what's going on and how do i fix it :(

What tweaks did you install on the iPad? Usually, when the iPad acts funny after a jail break it's because a tweak (or more) are installed that are incompatible with your iPad or iOS (or both).

So, if you don't mind - list out the tweaks you installed on the iPad. Hopefully, we might be able to recognize the "trouble-maker" and help you get rid of it.

Here they are:
[a piracy tweak]

The stupid jitter stopped but i still cant access cydia, should i re-jailbreak?
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Here they are:
[a piracy tweak]

The stupid jitter stopped but i still cant access cydia, should i re-jailbreak?

Well - there's your problem. You've installed piracy tools on your iPad and that's why your jail break is not working properly.

This forum does not condone or help those who commit piracy (i.e. theft). Not only is piracy, and any discussion thereof, against our rules - it's theft and thus illegal.

So, yes - here's the only advice I'll give you: Restore that iPad to a stock configuration. Then, re-jailbreak it if you must - but stay away from piracy. Do as normal, honest people do - BUY your apps, upgrades and in-app purchases!

You will receive no more assistance on this issue; please don't ask.

Firstly, thank you for the help you have given me.

Secondly, I am studying web design and interactive media, my classes include developing and creating apps and UI design. My friends are developers and 2 of us have jailbroken apple devices,
so before you be so quick to Judge me as being a DISHONEST and ABNORMAL human -- realize, we use the piracy tweak to test our own apps BEFORE they are released.

I understand you are doing your job, but next time do NOT judge anyone before you know what their intentions are, and I know not everyone's is honest.
Thank you for your time.

Moderation Notice: This post has been edited and the member has been disciplined in accordance with the Forum Rules
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Firstly, thank you for the help you have given me.

Secondly, I am studying web design and interactive media, my classes include developing and creating apps and UI design. My friends are developers and 2 of us have jailbroken apple devices,
so before you be so quick to Judge me as being a DISHONEST and ABNORMAL human -- realize, we use the piracy tweak to test our own apps BEFORE they are released.

I understand you are doing your job, but next time do NOT judge anyone before you know what their intentions are, and I know not everyone's is honest.
Thank you for your time.

As an IOS developer myself I have never heard such utter rubbish in all my life. Bypassing Apples payment system using the tweak you mentioned above tests NOTHING! There are legitimate ways to test in app purchases if you are a real developer. Before you go judging the staff on this forum, I suggest you re-read the rules which you agreed to when you signed up, as you are about to be disciplined in accordance with them. There is NO excuse for piracy or stealing and those things have NOTHING to do with legitimate jailbreaking. End of.

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