iPF Noob
I've been using iOS products for that last 2 1/2 years, starting with the amazing iPhone 3GS. Then I got the iPad 1 over a year ago and got the AppleTV a bit later.
In the last 20 years, I had several computers from desktops to laptops, organizers, agenda, cell phone... But no device has changed my daily routine as the iOS devices. I remember the time when watching a movie on your computer was "da thing", or using a laptop to control your music on a computer server, sound card being rigged to your sound system, to have music around the house on the click of a button... And what about being able to have a chat with the kids over a webcam while traveling... Now, all those "nice to have" are possible, easier to setup than ever.
- a new email comes in, pick up the iPhone or the iPad and read it while cooking
- watching a movie instantaneously on the tv, without having to go the the DVD store
- buying a new game on the spot after reading a good review
- reading the news at the coffee shop from all around the world
- sending a picture to my family, seconds after taking it, on the spot
- listening at radio stations from around the world while waiting at the doctor's office
- checking weather and road conditions before traveling to ensure a safe trip
- making a conference call with colleagues while eating breakfast
- seeing my agenda, having alerts and reminders on all my devices without having to sync to a computer
- getting the title of the song currently playing on the radio
- finding the location of that customer without having to bring maps and notes
- being able to compare prices on a product directly at the store
- watching the new episode of my favorite show, when I want, where I want
- no more wires, mouses, keyboards, big boxes on the desk,
- reviewing big design documents in my favorite chair
- calling anywhere in America without any by-the-minute fees
The list could go on... Of course, a laptop could be used, but you only had 2-3 hours of batteries. Mobile Internet access was possible but unaffordable and it was slow as hell. Sending a picture on the spot with your cell phone was costing a bunch as we were being charged 0.15$/kb. In the span of 2-3 years, the mobility world has changed more our daily routine than what computers have done in the last 20 years. Should we thank Apple for this? Probably. But all I know is that Apple products have had more impacts on my daily routine than all combined achievements by other companies.
The iPhone alone could not have done it. The combination of iPhone, iPad and AppleTV changed my media consumption habits, my Internet services usage and my daily planning for the better. It is now so easy, so accessible... Only a few years ago, nobody could have imagine all we can do now. And it will be way more exciting in a few years...
Still no flying cars or space travel, but we have the world at the tip of our fingers
VicoPad addict!
In the last 20 years, I had several computers from desktops to laptops, organizers, agenda, cell phone... But no device has changed my daily routine as the iOS devices. I remember the time when watching a movie on your computer was "da thing", or using a laptop to control your music on a computer server, sound card being rigged to your sound system, to have music around the house on the click of a button... And what about being able to have a chat with the kids over a webcam while traveling... Now, all those "nice to have" are possible, easier to setup than ever.
- a new email comes in, pick up the iPhone or the iPad and read it while cooking
- watching a movie instantaneously on the tv, without having to go the the DVD store
- buying a new game on the spot after reading a good review
- reading the news at the coffee shop from all around the world
- sending a picture to my family, seconds after taking it, on the spot
- listening at radio stations from around the world while waiting at the doctor's office
- checking weather and road conditions before traveling to ensure a safe trip
- making a conference call with colleagues while eating breakfast
- seeing my agenda, having alerts and reminders on all my devices without having to sync to a computer
- getting the title of the song currently playing on the radio
- finding the location of that customer without having to bring maps and notes
- being able to compare prices on a product directly at the store
- watching the new episode of my favorite show, when I want, where I want
- no more wires, mouses, keyboards, big boxes on the desk,
- reviewing big design documents in my favorite chair
- calling anywhere in America without any by-the-minute fees
The list could go on... Of course, a laptop could be used, but you only had 2-3 hours of batteries. Mobile Internet access was possible but unaffordable and it was slow as hell. Sending a picture on the spot with your cell phone was costing a bunch as we were being charged 0.15$/kb. In the span of 2-3 years, the mobility world has changed more our daily routine than what computers have done in the last 20 years. Should we thank Apple for this? Probably. But all I know is that Apple products have had more impacts on my daily routine than all combined achievements by other companies.
The iPhone alone could not have done it. The combination of iPhone, iPad and AppleTV changed my media consumption habits, my Internet services usage and my daily planning for the better. It is now so easy, so accessible... Only a few years ago, nobody could have imagine all we can do now. And it will be way more exciting in a few years...
Still no flying cars or space travel, but we have the world at the tip of our fingers

VicoPad addict!