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Introduction Middle Georgia


iPF Noob
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Warner Robins, GA
Goosetowner here. Placed my pre-order yesterday for 32 G w cover. Order # W68717687, 5:33 AM PST. Big iPod, iTouch, Imac fan. No iPhone due to AT&T but will have one as soon as they develop one compatible with Verizon.
Hey Goosetowner, welcome!

I grew up in Warner Robins, went to High School there, what a small world it is!

Still visit occasionally, my brother and mother live there.


Great Handle.
Warner Robins is a fine place to live and raise children, but the nearest Apple store is in North Atlanta. Good to hear from you. A small world indeed.
Goosetowner here. Placed my pre-order yesterday for 32 G w cover. Order # W68717687, 5:33 AM PST. Big iPod, iTouch, Imac fan. No iPhone due to AT&T but will have one as soon as they develop one compatible with Verizon.

HA, same here, I will never use ATT again...if they ever got a damn iPhone on VZW I would be first in line. I have a droid now and it's a good replacement until it's available.

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