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Images not visible in Ibooks - epub


iPF Noob
I have been trying to create an epub for Apple ebooks.
The created epub views fine on Adobe digital editions, but when I try to view it with my ipad - ibooks, many of the images are not displayed. But if I try to double-tap the place where the image should be present, the image opens on full screen.
Can anybody help me out to make the image appear.
The size of the images i use in 500*500.

Make sure you add the file to iTunes first. Then add it to your iPad from iTunes rather than directly from Windows. It seems to make a difference in some cases. Let us know whether this works for you.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks for your quick reply.
I have been trying to do it using iTunes only. But that didnt help too.

Make sure you add the file to iTunes first. Then add it to your iPad from iTunes rather than directly from Windows. It seems to make a difference in some cases. Let us know whether this works for you.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

I have the exact same problem, but with only with Javascript, and only on the 2nd time an image's "src" is set or changed.

EPUB 2.0. jQuery 1.7.2.

I'm using jQuery to set the image's "src" attribute. The first time this is done, it works. Subsequent times, doesn't work. When I reopened the book, the cycle repeats: first time works, subsequent times doesn't.

Any idea what the problem is?
I also have the same problem when I try to view the image but the same image displayed correctly in browser of iBooks, is this issue not resolved yet?
The thread is fairly old, and none of the people who posted the problem came back to say they found an answer. That said, I'm sure there is one. There are way too many iBooks (most in epub format) for there not to be. I'm sure there are some guidlines for epub and iBook compatability somewhere, but a quick search of the Apple site didn't help. You probably have to sign up for their publisher account before the helpful forums and sites show up. I believe that costs money.

If you have a Mac, you could try the iBooks Author app. I believe it has an epub import/export option. If that's not compatible with iBooks something is seriously wrong.

Sorry not to be of more help.

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