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My experience is that the person that contacts you at first, is the one that keeps writing to you.

I don't think that English is not this person's first language. It seems that the device which she or he used to write this email put in an â instead of an '.

Most likely it was copied and pasted from a word processor of some brand. That is what usually causes these problems. You used to see similar stuff online a lot when people all used MS Word for everything, even editing emails. The smart quote feature is the most common culprit, since it typically uses a proprietary code/character instead of Unicode for single and double quotes. (' and ")
Then hit me with a big stick for shamefully thinking the 'Apple iTunes help line' would obviously be compiled on a piece of Apple equipment!

But I think you are spot on TP. Cut and paste from another source usually does the trick! :):):);):(:(:(:mad::mad::mad:
Could be from Pages, or one of several other word processors made for OS X. Or I could just be wrong. That happens too.
I've justed wasted another 3 hours of my life cutting, pasting from most of the iWork's apps that I have and albeit some don't seem as stable on either the iPad or Mac - they don't seem to add/change characters. In doing so I've found another (pages) bug where it jumps around the screen (iPad) and doesn't like/want to be 'pasted' anywhere! When you put the cursor where you want to paste something - the little 3 window black thing, one of which says 'paste' only stays on the screen for a nano-second but I'm being kind and saying that's an iPad 3 bug with iOS 8 because I can't replicate the prob on my wife's brand spank mini or the Mac. All the windows office stuff I have on the Mac works fine but if I try something from the net - some stuff adds/changes characters but I can't see what the common denominator is - still no more from Apple yet - but I ain't holding my breath!
You wouldn't see it on the iPad. It converts almost everything to plain text when copy/pasting in and out of Pages. If you are lucky it will preserver RTF (Rich Text) between some apps. It's more likely to happen on a Mac, and you may not see it when you paste. Sometimes it doesn't show up until the post has been sent.

I don't remember seeing for anything but Word, but it can happen (in theory) with other apps. These days Macs and other desktop operating systems usualy have different kinds of paste, where you can strip the formatting and special characters, or preserver them. What happens can often be a matter of a poor default behavior.

Anyway, no telling what combination of apps and stuff resulted in that email. You could probably mention it to the tech. If nothing else so they can stop doing whatever it was.

But none of this is important. :)
STILL DOES NOT WORK :mad: And how can it be free of charge - I have already bought and paid for them!!!

Thanks for choosing Apple.

Dear Steven,

Welcome back to iTunes Store Customer Support. This is Ranjitha again.

Thank you for providing the title of the books which helped me in locating the purchase in your account smoothly without asking for more information from you, as it would have taken much longer to have your issue resolved.

Steven, I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to recover the books. I have posted the missing books to your account. Make sure to delete old copy of the books before download fresh copy.

Please follow these steps to download the items:

1) Make sure you're using the latest version of iTunes. It can be downloaded free of charge from the iTunes website:


Note: Installing the latest version of iTunes will not affect your library or any items in your account that you haven't downloaded.

2) Open iTunes. From the Store menu at the top, choose Check for Available Downloads. You can also click this link to do the same thing:


3) Enter your account name and password, then click the Check button.

The missing items should begin downloading and appear in your library. If you receive an error message while downloading, try again after turning off any firewall or web-accelerator software that you may have installed. If the download process is interrupted for any reason, it should resume once you reopen iTunes. Once you have downloaded your items, make sure you turn your firewall software back on.

This article provides information about resuming interrupted downloads:

If you don't see the items in your library, please include this information in your response to this email:

- The name of your Internet service provider (ISP)
- The type of Internet connection (such as dial-up, cable modem, or DSL)
- Any troubleshooting steps you may have taken
- Any error messages you may have received

This article explains how to create and maintain an up-to-date backup of your iTunes library, which can be useful if you ever need to restore any purchases in the future:

iTunes: Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive

Steven, I hope that above information will be helpful you to redownload the books. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will happy to assist you.

Thank you for being a valued customer. Have a nice day!


iTunes Store Customer Support

Please note: I work Tuesday -Sunday, 11:00 AM - 08: 00 PM CST
He's talking about iTunes being free of charge. Some people might not realize that they can download and install iTunes onto their computer for free.

You might want to explain to him that you are trying to download directly to the iPad; unless you want to give the computer/iTunes route a try.
You are of course right and I should have read it correctly, then I would have seen it was talking about iTunes. Frustration I'm afraid or is it exasperation! It makes no difference in the long term. I cannot do it on either the iMac or the iPad, they just don't/won't delete? Of course they do, but as soon as I open up iBooks again - they are back again, grinning at me - not at all like the others but with the cloud in the corner, I have tried to delete them from the cloud as well, but its like some sort of virus, they just keep coming back.

I actually think; I could be wrong, that he's a she. You aren't privy to my replies I promise they are not rude and simply factual! I have tried to explain everything. - I have just noticed its the same with a couple of films I've bought from the store albeit, not bothered looking at for a year or so - same problem. I am convinced this is an issue with the iOS 8 update - it didn't happen before that!

I'm fast beginning to lose the will to live with this I'm tempted to say 'Thank you, its all sorted'. In fact, I am wasting everybody's time so that is exactly what I am going to do - now how do I delete them for ever?
You can't permanently delete anything from your iTunes purchased list. This includes music, movies, TV shows, apps, and iBooks. All you can do is hide your purchases so you can't see them.
Here are the instructions for hiding and unhiding your iTunes purchases. http://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201322
Fixed - only after wiping the iPad clean 3 more times and a restore. I reckon that's about 7/8 restores after iOS 8 - now there's progress.

Thanks everybody

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