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iAds ?!#

Sonny Burnett

iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
iPhone OS 4.0 will have built in advertising. Just what we needed right? They are going to embed the ads right into the app. According to Jobs this will change the landscape of advertising and give the user a better experience. I say it will make it harder for the user to get away from it. If someone pays for an application do they want advertising built in to it. I can see it for free apps but for purchased ones?? Apple will make sure that we never get away from clicks!

If you want you can read my original article here: Apple Introduces iAds
I also cringed at the idea of ads on the iPad's OS.

But after thinking about it for a while, the ad system they propose can in a way become a search engine. I often find myself looking for electronic devices for hours. Why not if it can save me time?
It depends. If the apps are fee I can see advertising in them as I get that now on my Palm Pre. But if I pay for something and get ads embedded in it. That will be a big problem.
It sounded more like tools for developers to easly place ads into "free" apps without running counter to Apple's UI demands which is there obsession their day. That and for a cut of the revenue.

I guess it will also have options to tie into the Game Lounge or whatever it's called.

The question is if Apple will force apps to use iAds or deny those use other Ad methods. If it's just an easy set of APIs and a service for developers to add to Apps it will be no different then today. Any other ad service could offer iPhone OS spesific Ad coding to be placed in thier affliates Apps... Again unless Apple shuts all other services out....
It sounded more like tools for developers to easly place ads into "free" apps without running counter to Apple's UI demands which is there obsession their day. That and for a cut of the revenue.

It's just for a cut of the revenue!
That's the key... if you read reviews about apps that are have iAds in them and they are paid apps... then don't buy 'em. If a developer gets enough complaints about a paid app because it has ads in it... then if he/she is smart they will address those concerns or pay the price in lost sales. That's what the review process in the app store is for! If you are able to be patient enough not to purchase an app the second it comes out... wait a few days or weeks and see what people say about it. If it costs money and has ads in it... then you might want to skip that app and move on to something else.
There are already many apps that are available in the app store that are ad supported. This gives a tool to those developers who would like to use them within their apps to seamlessly add them.

In no way is this a requirement for all apps. But a developer choice. I have not heard anything prohibiting non-iAd advertising in apps, but would be surprised if that happened.

I must admit that as a consumer and a developer I was hesitant about iAds based on my preconceived notions. I feared an intrusive ad model similar to what Tivo has done that can intrude on the experience. But the demo that was shown was unobtrusive until selected by the user and otherwise took up minimal screen real estate.

The fact that these ads can become multimedia experiences that allow you to quickly and easily return to the app makes them attractive to me as a developer who would prefer not to have my users directed out of my app whenever they click on an ad.
Very well said CGPanama. People are always too quick to believe the FUD spread by the Apple haters. This is a good thing. If apple can make the adds interesting enough that people actually look at them, the devs who make free apps might make some money thus encouraging more free apps.
Takenover83, Good point, though I think Apple said they will have some minimal control over the ad content (probably for this purpose).

It would be great if developers could select categories of content they would like displayed in their apps. For example, an ad supported education app might have selected certain companies allowed (PBS, Discovery, National Geographic, etc).
i think the main reason for the ads is to take $ out of developer pockets who develope apps for jailbroken devices most jailbroken apps have ads in them an apple see's that
i think the main reason for the ads is to take $ out of developer pockets who develope apps for jailbroken devices most jailbroken apps have ads in them an apple see's that
How does it do that? The devs who release for jail broken phones won't use iAds. They will continue to use what they are now.

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