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I am in search for a girly theme for my iPad Mini..

Jul 4, 2013
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I have searched on google and on YouTube all over safari and I have only found one theme I adore but the problem is it crashes my iPad! It's hello kitty ipad theme for iOS 5! Yes I'm aware it says iOS 5 but it worked and was so nice I wanted it! I want a theme that's complete like that them, icons are skinned the UI is nicely skinned iMessage app is gorgeous etc etc. I tried some of the plain looking themes like Carla but its just not girly enough for me although its a very elegant theme! Anyone know of any very girly completely themed themes on Cydia for the mini?
There haven't been very many released for the mini yet, if I were smart enough I'd create my own theme but I don't know where to begin, and as you know Cydia only finds themes if you know the exact name of the theme so it's not like I can put in complete girly iPad mini themes like on google and it will pull up all the nice girly themes lol! Pls help Ty in advance

Tabatha's iPad❤
The one Gabe points to is probably the one of which you speak...

I had a look at it (in Cydia) and I see that it has things like rotating lockscreens, rain effects and such - which I think are the things that are making it crash in iOS 6. So, what if you strip out the actively moving parts and just keep the bits that affect the UI? If you only use the parts of the theme that affect the look, but don't make it do anything "fancy" like rain or rotate screens - I should think that would prevent it from crashing your iPad.

Maybe a thought?

Ok Ty. I will def look into that! It's a beautiful theme. I actually could do without the raining hello kitty's, I think it's a drain on battery life, but its the icon skins and UI that I love! Thanks for your help I'll update once its fixed!

Tabatha's iPad❤
The one Gabe points to is probably the one of which you speak...

I had a look at it (in Cydia) and I see that it has things like rotating lockscreens, rain effects and such - which I think are the things that are making it crash in iOS 6. So, what if you strip out the actively moving parts and just keep the bits that affect the UI? If you only use the parts of the theme that affect the look, but don't make it do anything "fancy" like rain or rotate screens - I should think that would prevent it from crashing your iPad.

Maybe a thought?


Hey, can I use ifile to do this? Never messed with a theme before. Always afraid I'd mess it up!

Tabatha's iPad❤
I have no idea how to help here but you may get some ideas in this thread http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/62849-getting-ipad3-original-ipad-gift-niece-need-help-theme-12.html

EDIT: and yes, I know it's not an iPad mini but I'm playing for time here!

The Archangel

Ty. I did check out the forum and it was amazing. The theme I mean. There was so much more to the theme then I knew about! A lot works on my mini but a few things don't! Was nice to see the history behind it! Ty I'm new to the forum I will be doing a search for stuff before I post from now on as its untelling if someone has the same question ihave. By the looks of it, everything is on here! Ty again

Tabatha's iPad❤

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