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How to use iTunes with Ubuntu ?


iPF Noob
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
I'm using Ubunty 11.10. Yesterday I bought iPad 3 and now I'm reading manual. It states that the only way to sync between iPad and PC is usng iTunes. Let say I need to transfer files in either direction or etc I should use iTunes. Also manual states that after I connect my device to PC in iPad iTunes app I should see Apps pane which I should use for files transfer.
In my case when I connected device to PC it recognized it as iPad and I see 2 mounted devices: iPad and 'Documents on iPad' from PC side but from iPad iTunes I don't see any Apps pane.
Could someone clarify for me what I'm doing wrong and how to use iTunes and move files using Ubuntu and iPad?
Thanks in advance.
If you sync the iPad to the iTunes, you need to have both on your iTunes account. On the left side of iTunes, at the upper part is a section under Library. If there are apps on the iPad, it will load them there in a section called apps.
Seadog said:
If you sync the iPad to the iTunes, you need to have both on your iTunes account. On the left side of iTunes, at the upper part is a section under Library. If there are apps on the iPad, it will load them there in a section called apps.

First thanks for reply.
Second I'm running Linux (Ubuntu) on my PC but it looks that iTunes is supported only on Mac and Windows. It sounds that will have to install Wine on my Linux in order to install iTunes....
Did I understand you right that in order to sync or share files my PC should run iTunes as well as iPad?
Well I realized that I have to install iTunes on Ubuntu. iTunes supports only Windows and Mac. I had to install WINE and then download and install iTunes 10 using Wine but it does not work right i.e. crash all the time.
Does anyone has good experience to install iTunes on Ubuntu?
Have you seen this covered on YouTube ? Search "Install iTunes on Ubuntu"
Well I read so many posts about Wine not being stable running iTune ... that distracted me from reinstalling it. I uninstalled Wine and iTunes and installed Virtualbox. Now I'm going to install iTunes on my virtual Windows machine.
After that I'll start to play with file transfer and sync.

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