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How to setup a Multiple View in Ipad App


iPF Noob
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All, I am new developer about Ipad and I would like to create a view with more image view and buttons in the same view, here some code I did but I have no error accept on the simulator when I press first time I got different setAnimationTransition of the second time, but I don't know if is correct to put more image view and buttons on the same view.
Thank you so much in advance.:)

- (IBAction) intro_antonio: (id) sender{

[intro_antonio setHidden:NO];
[img1 setHidden:YES];
[img2 setHidden:YES];
[img3 setHidden:YES];
[img4 setHidden:YES];
[img5 setHidden:YES];
[img6 setHidden:YES];
[img7 setHidden:YES];

[BTN1 setHidden:NO];
[BTN2 setHidden:NO];
[BTN3 setHidden:NO];
[BTN4 setHidden:NO];
[BTN5 setHidden:NO];
[BTN6 setHidden:NO];
[BTN7 setHidden:NO];
[BTN8 setHidden:NO];

[UIView beginAnimations:mad:"flipping view" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight
//[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp
forView:intro_antonio cache:YES];

[intro_antonio setHidden:NO];
[UIView commitAnimations];


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