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Updating Multiple iPads at ONCE


iPF Noob
Mar 29, 2012
Reaction score
I manage two carts of iPads (30 per cart), and we really need to get a better system for keeping them up to date.

After hours of pain, I got each iPad to look exactly the same by restoring, one at a time, to a backup of a master iPad. So, concern number 1, I understand that I can use Xcode to update more than one iPad at a time, however, this just reverts back to factory default with the newest iOS update, leaving me having to manually update from a backup like I did before.

1.) Is there any way to get the backup file (a bunch of gibberish file names in a a gibberish named folder) to a package file to use in Xcode? I don't believe this is possible because then anyone could just share their package file with app setups, but this would be ideal for 60 iPads.

Next, when I do restore from backups, the nasty side effect is that they do not keep the same settings on restrictions (disabling installing/deleting apps) and our password for the SSID.

2.) Is there any way to "push" the settings/SSID password to multiple devices instead of manually doing them one at a time?

Then, when they are all setup, there are a few apps we like to keep constantly updated. Given that restrictions disable installing apps, I don't believe there is a way for the "update over wifi" to work. Our main concern is keeping students from purchasing/installing apps and cluttering the devices.

3.) Is there any way to update apps over multiple devices with restrictions in place, or is it best to remove the restriction and attempt wifi updates?

I'm sure there are plenty more questions I have, but these are most prominent at the moment.

Note: Yes, I have extensively exhausted Google and cannot find any particular fix for my situation.

Yes, there is a way...I manage 3 carts at my school, and use iPhone Configuration Utility to push out restrictions, SSID settings, etc. I use that in conjunction with iTunes to manage apps, ebooks, etc

Hope this helps...
Yes, there is a way...I manage 3 carts at my school, and use iPhone Configuration Utility to push out restrictions, SSID settings, etc. I use that in conjunction with iTunes to manage apps, ebooks, etc

Hope this helps...

That is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much! This will make it so much easier to update multiple iPads at once without having to set aside a few hours just to do settings.

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