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How to Fix the iPad's Wi-Fi Issues


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
North Jersey
Apple confirmed that it's aware of the issues and posted some suggestions on how to fix them:

Under certain conditions, iPad may not automatically rejoin a known Wi-Fi network after restart or waking from sleep. This can occur with some third-party Wi-Fi routers that are dual-band capable when:
  • Using the same network name for each network
  • Using different security settings for each network


If you encounter this issue, try the following:
  • Create separate Wi-Fi network names to identify each band. This can be done easily by appending one or more characters to the current network name. (Example: Add a G to the 802.11b/g network name and an N to the 802.11n network name.)
  • Ensure that both networks use the same security type (WEP, WPA, WPA2, and so on)
  • If the issue persists, reset your network settings using Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
Note: Always ensure that your Wi-Fi router firmware is up to date.

How to Fix the iPad's Wi-Fi Issues - Ipad wifi - Gizmodo
iPad: Does not automatically rejoin known Wi-Fi networks
thank’s for share this info and enlighten Apple care and listen their customer
Yes ... I took my iPad on a biz trip and upon powering it up in the hotel, no wifi at all ... Downtown Philly has tons.

I hard restarted the iPad and wifi came back .... It sucks but it's the price of early adopting :)
My iPad connected fine to my home router but kept failing with the Sprint Overdrive. I ended up just changing from WEP to WPA2 Personal and have not had any trouble since.

Has this worked for anyone else?

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