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How Many Of You Actually Used iPad....


iPF Noob
Jun 10, 2010
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On the toilet?

I did once, will more often...

Oh yeah, all the time! My wife is about ready to call my doctor because she thinks there is something wrong with me (well she has thought that about me for quite some time!) since I spend so much time in the "porcelain library".
Always. It's the only way to stop the wife stealing it!
The iPad is a bit obvious at work so I sit on the crapper and use my iPhone - check email, Facebook and play freecell!! It's like being in an oasis for ten minutes.
Every morning I catch up reading the wsj. Much easier than trying to flip through a real newspaper!
I used it at the bathroom to skip a high school class, and boy didn't the time fly!
You can't slip the iPad into your pocket the way you can the iPhone. Or are you pleased to see me?

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