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How does release day go?


iPF Noob
Jun 17, 2011
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I have never owned a single Apple product, but it's time to jump on board with the iPad 3. It's too much to pass up.

My question is about what happens on the day it is released. There is only one Apple Store in Iowa so I if I want it that day I would have to make the two hour drive to Jordan Creek Mall to buy. This will not be a problem, but I need to know what I am up against.

How does it usually work for a store inside a mall that would not be open all night? I suppose we queue up outside and wait for open mall hours.

How many iPads would typically be available?

Any idea how early I would have to be in line to get my hands on one?

Would I be better to try my luck online? If so, where?

I think you would be better of ordering online and have it delivered right to you. That is what I did with my iPad 2 and with two iPhone 4's. Did not get either on release day but within a couple of weeks which to me was more than worth it.

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