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How do I get a .kmz file onto the iPad 2?


iPF Noob
Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
Durham, NC
I have already downloaded google earth and the KMZ loader. Looks like the KMZ loader syncs up to a google account, but how does that help me?

Thank you!!
I dont' know how to use KMZ loader.

However, if check the Layers button on Google Earth you'll see a My Maps option. You need to sign up for a My Maps account. After that any .kmz files you store on that site will be available for your use in Google Earth on the iPad.

I can't tell you more than that, since I've never had a reason to get the account and try it.

Good luck.

One other thought. The KMZ Loader probably syncs with My Maps on Google; so if you've already created one be sure to use it instead of making a new one.
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