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How about a music sketching app?


iPF Noob
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Snohomish WA USA
We already have sketching apps for writing, painting, drawing, and even...sketching. There are plenty of fun, entry-level apps for people that just want to experiment with musical sounds. What about a simple app that does basic music notation?

I think a full-featured, MIDI-capable, multitracking app with full playback capabilities would be overkill, not to mention unprofitable. But something that would work as blank score paper, with maybe up to four staves, output to MIDI so you could take the file off the iPad and put it into a more robust tool like Finale or Sibelius or similar...there are possibilities there.

I've taken a quick look at Symphony, but I'm not interested in an iPhone app for the iPad. Might fill the bill if it can do what they say it'll do.
As you know there are some for the iPhone that work fine on the iPad. We are just too new to have one of our own yet, but rest assured they are in the works. I am sure a version of Music Studio and Beat Maker will be out soon. For fun the Korg Electribe is an awesome app. I wanted one when they came out 10 years ago, but could not afford the $900 price tag. Now I have it for $9.95. :)

What I would mainly be interested is a quick to use music app to throw down a quick idea or two. Then the app would export a midi file that I could pull into Reaper on the PC. I bet one will come out soon.....
I think the key is to keep it simple. As a Finale user, I've already gone through the headaches of learning how to use music notation software. Your concept of an app that's useful for throwing down a quick idea is right on the money, and that app ought to be simple to use.
We are working on a program that could very well do what you want. The details are slim right now as we are focused on getting something usable for the NAMM show in June. The trade-off with notation is determining what exactly simple is.

You can follow our progress here: ipadnotation.blogspot.com

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