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Hide Jailbreak


iPF Noob
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO

First, I am not trying to commit fraud, or break any rules, here, so I humbly ask forgiveness if this question does any of this.

The DirecTv App does not like the fact that my iPad is jailbroken, and refuses to run, but, I cannot live without some of the tweaks afforded by the jailbreak
most especially, Infiniboard and Infinifolders, especially Infinifolders. I simply just don't want to have say TWO folders with Weather apps, because I have too
many for one folder. Apple really needs to change this so we don't have to be jailbroken to have something as simple as this.

If it were not for those two, I might be able to live without Jailbreak.

I really would like to have the DirecTv app, because of the control it gave me over my HD DVR, and the ability I had to watch my recorded shows on the iPad.
It worked fine until they forced an update a couple of months ago, then, I got an error saying that I had to restore to an un-jailbroken state to run the application.

Is there any tweak that can hide the jailbroken state from apps like the DirecTv app so it will run on a jailbroken device?

Thanks, and again, if I have asked anything I should not have, I offer my hand for the ruler slap.
Take a look at the Cydia tweak DirecTV iPad Patch.

It's a free install that, as far as I know, works fine (disclaimer: I don't have DirectTV, so I can't test this). I think someone else on this forum said it works fine with iOS 5...

Good luck and hope this helps.

Thanks for the tips. They must have patched the patch, because it's not working now.... :-(

Maybe the author will release another patch......
One solution would be to have two iPads - one JB and one without. (and now I'm pulling my head back down my worm-hole.)

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
....the ability I had to watch my recorded shows on the iPad.....

Was there an ability to watch recorded shows? I never saw one!

xCon is a cydia app that makes it work, but it hasn't been updated lately either.

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