P Pincode iPF Noob May 23, 2010 #1 Hi , new user from Norway. Picked up my 64gb wifi in las Vegas , and loving it. Tried to buy the 3G model, but after 6days of waiting I bought the model without 3G. Nice forum, I have already picked up some nice tips.
Hi , new user from Norway. Picked up my 64gb wifi in las Vegas , and loving it. Tried to buy the 3G model, but after 6days of waiting I bought the model without 3G. Nice forum, I have already picked up some nice tips.
Bremen iPF Noob May 23, 2010 #2 Welcome, and glad you got one already! Watch out though, those apps can be addicting
col.bris Administrator Staff member May 23, 2010 #5 welcome on board check out the international forum