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Hey Mods! May I ask....


iPF Novice
Jul 21, 2011
Reaction score
Pelican Island, NJ
If it's possible to remind some of the users here about manners? I'm relatively new to the community but I have noticed there have been quite a few snide remarks being tossed around. Obviously, most members go above and beyond when it comes to helping and supporting other members but pointing out grammatical errors (I'm sure I have a few) and name calling is just unnecessary.

I do apologize if I'm out of line and though the vast majority of members do abide by the forum guidelines, there are few who may need a reminder.

Have a great Sunday!:eek:
Hi there, we are glad to have you here.

If you feel that someone is out of line then please use the "report post" function and we will check it out and if required we will deal with it.

I'll move this to Forum Rules, Help and Info section of the forum as I think that is the appropriate place.

The Archangel
Thanks, HappyPelican. Like what Gabriel1 said, you can use that " report button" that is a triangle icon under your avatar.

Thanks again for your response! Happy Sunday to you as well!

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