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Help with Pin Code


iPF Noob
Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
Ok... so I am a dumb!

While commuting on a foggy morning, decided to change the pincode in the taxi and now can't remember what pin I used! I have tried more then 80 combinations/variations... and can't figured it out. Getting desperate here!!

I have browse through the several threads, but couldn't actually find a response to my specific situation. So hope I can get here some clarity. The situation is at it follows:

a. I have a iPad with pin code, which I can't remember
b. I have the backup in iTunes, and have been using the sync to enable the iPad after it gets disable by too much fail attempts.
c. I have a brand new iPad2 to which I want to pass the info from the original iPad.

So... before I worsen the situation by doing some more stupidities, my questions are:

1. Can I register the iPad2 to the iTunes and transfer the info without the pin code? (this would really be the simpler solution...)
2. If I manage 1. how can I then clean up the original iPad to sell it?
3. If it's not possible 1., is there any way I can reset the pin code?
4. If everything else fails... how can I reset the dam thing?
5. If I do have to reset the dam thing... will I loose the apps already bought?

So... this is it. Would really appreciate some useful help on this.

Thank you in advance.
If you restore from backup to transfer the data I think the passcode it will carry over.

You can reset the whole iPad from inside iTunes. It will wipe out any purchases (music movies) you have not transferred to your computer. Right click on your iPad in iTunes and you should see that option to transfer purchases.

A reset will not loss your purchased Applications. They are yours linked to your iTunes account. You can redownload them at any time from the App Store, no charge. What you will lose is any data inside the Apps, for example saved games for Infinity Blade or Pages documents.

You can attempt to recover this data from the backups iTunes creates. There a number of untiltiy programs out there for this. You could also try using iPhoneExplorer to pull the data off the iPad directly. I am not sure how you get into the iPad 2 from there.

IMO sounds like you need to write that pass code down someplace secure next time. Others may have more suggestions.
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I don't suppose you do periodic backups of the computer, and have one from shortly before you changed the code? If you did, you can retrieve the old backup file and use it.

Otherwise Dorje is right. You are pretty much out of luck. The passcode will probably restore from the backup.

Before you do a full restore on the old iPad, try Transferring Purchases from the iPad to iTunes. You should not need to unlock the iPad to do that. Anything that gets transferred to iTunes will be one less thing to hunt down and restored manually afterwards.

Right click on the iPad under devices and choose Transfer Purchases.

Then set up your iPad 2 as a new device. You'll be able to sync anything that is in iTunes. Everything else will have to be retrieved from wherever you can find it. Maybe with the utility programs Dorje mentioned.

I've only used iPhone Explorer. While you can retrieve pretty much all your application data that way it's bound to be tedious, and restoring it to the iPad an experiment best done cautiously and preceded by backups.
Simply backup your device now, by right clicking on iPad in iTunes, then selecting Backup. Afterwards restore to the last backup.

Passwords are never included in a restore, this is true for PIN device lock, as well as for any email accounts. If you had a PIN on the original device, then after a restore you will be asked to enter a new PIN to secure your device.
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A little bit late, but just to come back and give some feedback.

Unfortunately, none of the proposed solutions worked. The backup restores the pincode also. Or to be more precise, since I didn't recall which was the pincode at the time of the last backup, even after restoring the backup, the iPad asks for the pincode.

So in the end, I simply activated the new iPad2 and reset the iPad to sell.

The main conclusion is that the pin code secures pretty well your data. Although I might add that I didn't go for some hacking options that probably exist.

Bottom-line, don't change pin code while you are sleepy! :eek:

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