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help about celeste tweak


iPF Noob
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
hi guys, i just installed celeste it works great but i'm having problems with my photos wallpaper tab,

when i click the options tab on photos, then click on set as wallpaper, the printing option pops out and not the wallpaper option,

i tried uninstalling celeste and it went back to normal, the print option no longer pops out when i choose set as wallpaper,

i tried to google the whole day but haven't found any answers,
help guys what could be the problem?
Also, same here.

After i installed celeste i could notice the following bugs in the Photo App:

When you tap a photo and open the action tab, if you tap the photo again it will close the photo app suddenly.

Selecting print does nothing.

Selecting copy does nothing.

Selecting email photo opens the print tab.

Selecting use as wallpaper will do both: use as wallpaper and then open the new mail page.
Knock yourself out!

OP ~ Please try and post in the correct sections. This thread should have been posted in our Hacking Section ~ not iPad Help.

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