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Hello one and all...


iPF Noob
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
Gosport, England
Hi everybody,

Thought i would follow the site rules and post a little hello.

Santa was kind enough to bring me a 32gb wifi iPad for Christmas this year and i have to say that i have fallen head over heels for it!
I am an absolute gadget freak anyway, so this was a nice little addition to my collection, but the emotional and typical human response when using it for the first time is truly mindblowing!

Anyway, a little about me. Im Craig, im 25, I live on the south coast of England with my fiance (to be wife in 2011) and 21 month old daughter. I work as a Technical Consultant in the Banking/Secure Transactions market and i have a huge love of all things gadgety (if thats even a word)

I look forward to chatting to you all and hopefully contributing as much to the forum as i get out of it.

Happy New Year all!

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