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Hello from Freckles, Southampton (uk)


iPF Noob
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
Southampton, UK
I've only had my iPad since Sunday and haven't had a chance yet too have a good play yet. My husband doesn't get why I wanted an iPad when I already have an iPhone, but I'm really keen to use it as a home entertainment centre for browsing, reading books and playing games.

Had a few teething problems...my contacts didn't copy from my iphone (due to os4?), haven't been able to download 3.2.1 yet, iTunes says that I have connection issues. Also tried borrowing e-books from Hampshire library service but the books are adobe e-pub and drm protected and I can,t find a way of transferring to iPad (tried stanza). I've purchased a book though and have loads of new games to try out. Very excited :0)
My husband doesn't get why I wanted an iPad when I already have an iPhone...
My wife didn't understand why I wanted one either, but she bought one for my birthday in May anyway. My wife, I think I'll keep her!

Also tried borrowing e-books from Hampshire library service but the books are adobe e-pub and drm protected and I can,t find a way of transferring to iPad (tried stanza). I've purchased a book though and have loads of new games to try out. Very excited :0)
I don't know what system your local library uses, but the one's near me use a system called OverDrive. Here is a snippet of a screen shot from their website:


I am not happy about this! I wrote them a tersely worded email, but they have yet to respond. This espcially gripes my wife because she is a library manager and I spend money on books that she gets for free!

Welcome to the forum and tell your hubby he is a big poopy-head!
Hi and welcome Freckles.
You sound like a character from one of Gene Stratton Porter's novels :)
He's got it all wrong, his wife should be keeping him........or not ...

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