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hello from an apple newbie


iPF Noob
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Norfolk United Kingdom
Hello Everyone

After spending the past 30 years working with PCs I am seriously thinking about buying an apple ipad.I want to be able to read e books - surf the web and play simple games like tetris and scrabble.

I tried an ipad about a month ago and fell in love - My main concern is the lack of a camera - I think this means that I will not be able to 'video conference' with my grand daughter in New Zealand. I am told the ipad 2 will have 2 cameras - is this correct.?

I also note that the ipad cannot display flash. I enjoy watching cookery demos and other 'how to' videos - which I assume are written in flash?
Finally what are people's opinion of safari - I used it years ago when I fixed a mac for a friend of mine - I thought it was dreadful ! Has safari got better - is it possible to use other browsers?
Not really bothered about mobility - I want the ipad to replace my laptop which I use in bed. Trouble is it gets hot and after an hour feels like it weighs a ton.

Any thoughts would be gratefully received
Greetings and welcome to the forum!

Hello Everyone

After spending the past 30 years working with PCs I am seriously thinking about buying an apple ipad.I want to be able to read e books - surf the web and play simple games like tetris and scrabble.
It does these things exceedingly well!

I am told the ipad 2 will have 2 cameras - is this correct.?
There is only one person who knows exactly what features the next generation iPad will have and when it will be released and he's not talking!


I also note that the ipad cannot display flash.
You were told correctly.

...is it possible to use other browsers?
Yes, there are several other choices out there. One of the more popular ones (called Atomic) allows you to change the user agent so that it will appear that the browser is one of the 4 versions of Safari, Firefox or one of the last 3 versions of Internet Explorer.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for your prompt reply. Its good to know that there are other browsers out there.

Just wondering whether the lack of flash will be a problem. Aren't most videos on web pages - flash based?
As far as Flash (or lack thereof), this is where you have to decide how important those web sites are to you. Personally, it is not a problem for me since the iPad is not a substitute for a "real" computer.
Great forum

I am a new IPad user and just logged on to this forum, had my question answered in 1 click. Great site.
As far as Flash (or lack thereof), this is where you have to decide how important those web sites are to you. Personally, it is not a problem for me since the iPad is not a substitute for a "real" computer.

Thanks for your remarks. Trouble is I dont know enough about Flash to know which sites would be affected. I dont think it would be a major issue - as I don't play games on-line (only just got broadband in the area - and its s-l-o-w. ) but I do like 'How To' videos and music videos and am not sure if these would be affected?

I had hoped that I could use the ipad instead of a desktop - but dont suppose I can really find out unless I buy one
Some sites such as BBC news use a lot of flash based content for all of their built in videos etc, but there is often a way around it. For example there is a decent BBC news app now so logging onto the actual website isnt as necessary...

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