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iPF Noob
Feb 8, 2012
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Hi, I am trying to find a GPS that talks for my Ipad. Does one exist?
Welcome to the forum.

There are at least two. The only one I remember is the ELF GPS. Try the custom Google search at the top of the website. It should turn up a few more hits.
Hi, I am trying to find a GPS that talks for my Ipad. Does one exist?

I'm not sure if you want an external GPS unit that will work with your iPad, or if you have a 3G iPad and want a GPS speech app.

If you want to connect an external GPS, then twerppoet has the answer.
If you want a talking GPS app.... What do you want your GPS to say? Do you want an app that simply reads out your current coordinates, speed and altitude, or are you looking for a road navigation app that provides turn by turn directions to a chosen destination?
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Thanks for answering, I'm looking for an app for navigation turn by turn for my 3G IPad...
NavFree is, well free. It's a good one to get while you are making up your mind.

I don't use a nav app on my iPad (no GPS), but I have CoPilot Live Premium on my iPhone. It is good enough for me, even without paying for the extras.

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